Sunday 16 October 2011

Sign Series : enseigne IV : L'armoire de Camille

L'armoire de Camille (or Camille's armoire as you will have guessed), home decor and tea shop. The delightful website is this way. Thanks for your input re. Blogger and birthdays. Looks like it's Google allright, I've found some information, it's here.

Le délicieux site, c'est par ici.


  1. Tee kann das.

    Einen wunderbaren Sonntag.

  2. This sign has lots of charm!

  3. The sign looks very very warm and inviting.

    I like how clicking on the photo brings it up in a frame!

    I wasn't aware of the birthday thing, it's kinda silly because the kids all know to use a fake birthday.

  4. You're right, the website is as delightful as the sign!
    Thanks for the link to the Google information. Any day now, I expect to be notified "you're too old to have a Google account" and that will be the end of me.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  5. I love hand painted signs. Some of the most unique I have found were in New England. Very nice.

  6. This is charming and has a genuineness about it. In this country, except for the longest-settled areas of the east coast, this kind of thing usually comes off as cutesy-fake.

  7. Did someone say shopping? I'm game!

  8. Les enseignes que tu trouves sont toujours tres fines et bien trouvees.
    Celle-ci ne fait pas exception.

  9. I will have to beg to differ with Bob's comment about about pseudo-French things in the USA. We even have some very French-themed places in Arizona. Some are excellent. Some perhaps think that if it appears French, they can charge a higher price.

  10. Lovely sign, Ciel!
    have a great Sunday:)

  11. Delightful sign Ciel and even more delightful goodies inside I see. Nice!!

  12. Pour aller voir chez Camille, il fallait que je donne ma date de naissance! donc, suis pas allée.; c'est bizarre! mais j'aime bien l'enseigne, elle me fait penser aux petites filles modèles de Mme de Segur!

  13. This looks like my kind of store, I loved website and am sure I would love to wander in the store

  14. I can see why you would like his place, knowing your predilections! :-)

    Re Google and birthdays: The whole notion of privacy seems to be going the way of dinosaurs. It's getting harder and harder to fight it. I have no answers, though.

  15. l'enseigne est vraiment sympa et vu sur son site, elle propose de beaux objets, mais je prefere son rayon gourmandise ;))

  16. Hi Ciel---I am back and am leaving again. I missed your blog but have been 'busy'. Talk atcha later. MB

  17. such a wonderful sign and photograph! Lovely autumn to you~

  18. Great sign, thanks for these updates about Google.

  19. So nice to see...thanks for sharing.

  20. I kind of store that I would love visiting! :)
    Cute sign!

  21. Cute sign. The full skirt is something I've always wanted to wear :D

  22. «Louis» hasn't been able to visit for some time and he has missed your blogs as well as your contributions to Sunday Bridges.


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