Monday 17 October 2011


Fresh photos at last! On Saturday on Avenue de Paris!

Des photos fraîches, enfin ! C'était samedi, avenue de Paris.


  1. de belles couleurs, mais j'aime bien la composition de la premiere

  2. a bit like 'spring in autumn'. creating. please have a wonderful new week.

  3. I love it! Glad you're back =)

  4. Two fine images, Ciel. A hint of autumn above, and a marvelous capture of light in the bottom image.

  5. Gorgeous Autumn images Ciel, love the avenue of tall trees.
    Thanks for the support for the Australian team, it does make it a bit easier for me now though, I was a bit worried about an Aussie/French match..I would have been a little torn! Now it's 'viva la France' all the way haha!

  6. The light is so good. The leaf doesn't seem quite right on a grid but the age of the stones makes up for it.

  7. That first shot is just beautiful! I hope you will show us those trees again in a month or so.

  8. I like the top shot, contrasting textures and shapes.

  9. je vote aussi pour la première

  10. Your Autumn is awesome and the first composition is very artistic! :)

  11. "Automne" c'est soleil ou c'est eau et quand c'est les deux à la fois c'est encore plus extra !
    (L'avenue de Paris mène à Paris)

  12. Les lumières d'automne sont surement les plus belles et les plus douces de l'année..

  13. Autumn is so beautiful! Love the first photo - autumn leaves always amaze me:)
    Have a nice week:)

  14. The light is beautiful in your image of the avenue, and the pattern of trees creates wonderful depth. The picture on my blog today was one I waited for the light to be just right. With the storm clouds moving quickly, the light was constantly changing. Thank your very much for stopping by to visit :^) Hope you have a nice week!

  15. I like the top photo, old and new or is a fallen leaf new, it is actually old also but looks new on the cobblestone.

    The bottom photo though is my favorite. Love looking to the distant scene.

  16. I hope you're enjoying what appears to be a beautiful fall! Avenue de Paris is gorgeous.

    Re your comment about the French actress: I'm sorry to say I did not know the name so had to Google her...she is very beautiful! I also admit that my photo was taken from a poster (I enjoy trying to make a good photo from a poster)...

    Thanks for the comments on Cuvee. I think Lois and I will have to try that place soon.

    Sorry about the lack of sleep. Perhaps a nap this afternoon?

  17. The leaf against the walkway is gorgeous, especially with the shadows.

  18. Tu quadrilles rudement bien le quartier1 J'aime beaucoup beaucoup cette premiere photo.

  19. The falling light from between the trees is gorgeous! I love fall :D

  20. Such different shots and I love them both! Wonderful, Ciel.

  21. Love these pictures, it is coming here too, but we still have very sunny days.

  22. I love the first shot, Ciel. I'll be away for a while but will check in when I can.


  23. A perfect fall photo. I am having the same problem right now - I need to go out and take some new photos.

  24. A lovely post about Autumn... it's arriving very late in Cheshire.

  25. I like both your wonderful images.

  26. I like the colors of fall. If only they could be paired with the heat of summer! :)

  27. I love autumn, and photos like this from around the world are so enjoyable to me. Thanks for sharing fall in France with me. :)


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