Saturday 19 March 2011

Façade à Montreuil

A façade in Montreuil neighbourhood.


  1. A facade with a tree! And I thought Montreuil was spelled Montreal? Just kidding. Lovely blue sky. I thought you said it was gray and gloomy?

    It's a very nice facade and I would guess indicaes it's an expensive building in which to live...

  2. Une tres belle facade avec ce ciel d'azur.
    Merci pour ton commentaire sur le Japon. J'ai fait ce post pour les personnes comme toi ou ma soeur qui ne regardent plus les infos. Aussi pour ceux qui pensent que toutes les catastrophes naturelles sont la faute de l'homme, ce qui n'est pas le cas ici. J'ai mis aussi 2 liens sur des photos que je trouve excellentes (question photos) alors que je n'aime pas en general les photos d'actualite.
    Bon weekend!!

  3. Anonymous19/3/11 02:11

    beautiful as music.

    please have a good weekend.

    daily athens

  4. So lovely, bet they have nice views.

  5. I would like to sit with a book and a glass of wine inside one of those windows when the tree becomes green. Well, with my over-saturated life, I'd probably be reading the book on my iPad.

    We booked a hotel in Avignon today for late August. Menton is already done. Now we just need a place in Paris. I was shocked by the price of the TGV from Avignon to Paris.

  6. Looks like quite a fancy, royal building!
    Every time I hear your blog music, I look over my shoulder to see if HRH Queen Marie Antoinette is approaching in a long, big skirted dress!
    bon weekend, Ciel!

  7. Beautiful architecture! I bet the tree is lovely in front of this beautiful architecture.

  8. Ta photo aussi est hors du temps (cf mon banc aujourd'hui)
    Elle pourrait avoir été prise au debut du siècle dernier, avec devant la maison des dames en crinoline et des messieurs en haut-de-forme..
    Fermons les yeux, et rêvons un peu! (on en a besoin en ce moment, hein!)
    Bon week-end "malgré tout" ! Biz

  9. You never what beauty you'll see when you look up.

  10. Beautiful exteriors and that far left big window makes me think there are lovely high ceilings inside... a cozy place to live. If you took this photo recently, or the wonderful lamp in yesterday's post, Ciel, you've got delicious blue skies over there. Today I am looking out at a dreary gray sky.

  11. i want a facade like that! just beautiful!

  12. Glorious blue sky!
    God bless you!

  13. Mmmm/ A classy neighbourhood!

  14. So typical, so elegant, so beautiful!

  15. I dunno why we call "poor Paddy Patty." But wasn't his name Patrick? It wasn't Padrick? Or was it? I dunno.

    We have paddy wagons here in which the coppers put various miscreants. I wonder if those wagons were named after St. Patrick. Would they be called Paddie wagons if it was Ste. Patricia?

    I dunno.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend full of puzzling questions - just to keep you sharp, ya know!

  16. Great shot and beautiful architecture. Love your music too.

    Darryl and Ruth : )

  17. I like the tree in the foreground in this shot.

  18. Anonymous19/3/11 16:38

    Beautiful Pictures!

  19. Ciel, these must be wonderful buildings. The architectural details are pretty.

    Sorry about your cold. Get plenty of sleep. The temperature here is already back to the 40s, and the forecast for Tuesday if for two inches of snow. If it does snow, it will melt in 24 hours.

  20. Anonymous20/3/11 02:45

    My roommate in college was an architecture student, so I learned way back then to appreciate the craftsmanship that goes into making some thing like this. Even the downspouts have class!

  21. The sky is so BLUE! Or should I say bleu? :)


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