Wednesday 13 October 2010

Wednesday Doorway: détail d'une porte dans le quartier Saint-Louis

A detail of a door in Saint-Louis neighbourhood. These seem to have been popular as there are quite a few around.
Ce type de porte est assez répandu.


  1. This is a door? Must be the door to a rich person's house! That's quite incredible. I like fancy portals but perhaps a bit more subtle! :-)

  2. A nice, flirtatious moment. It shows well in B&W with the sharp contrast.

  3. If the door is this elaborate, I can't imagine how fancy the house is!

  4. I can't even imagine what the residence that goes with that door might look like.

  5. Forgive me, but I can't help seeing this as a pick-up bar of days gone by.

  6. petite discutions entre amis, tu imagines a l'epoque comme il n'avait pas d'appareil photo, ils devaient tout faire en sculpture, j'imagine les blogs de l'epoque ;)))

  7. It's Wednesday, so «Louis» has to see what interesting doorway you've come up with - and he isn't disappointed!

  8. @ Jack: this isn't black and white!

  9. très répandue je demande à voir !!
    j'en ai aucune dans mon quartier

  10. Un très beau travail. Sur notre porte de salon nous avions des panneaux peut-être venus d'un lit clos breton ? C'était des panneaux indépendants, d'ailleurs j'en ai à présent un chez moi abimé à un coin, dommage.

  11. I like the attitude and the pose of the figures...

  12. That's some door! I don't think I'd ever get past it...just stand there looking at all the details ;-D

  13. It's cute, maybe it's about some flirt! :)

  14. Found you via Saltaire daily blog. I LOVE your blog. We visited Veraille last October for the first time and were completely blown away! Fabulous place and gorgeous town/city.

  15. So what does the rest of the door look like? Is this a newer addition or just popular in olden times? MB

  16. Ce type de porte n'est pas répandu à Jackson. J'aime le détail. C'est bien qu'il reste plein. J'ai un autre bureau d'avocats ajd. J'ai l'impression que les banques et les avocats ici ont tjrs les jolies entrées. Ca doit inspirer confiance ou qq'chose.

  17. Travail d'orfèvre!C'est un peu le look Henri IV..On pourrait voir toute la porte un jour?ça a l'air impressionnant. (mais je plains la personne qui doit faire la poussière:)

  18. i wonder if she is saying "Is this a dagger I see before me??".

    He needs to take care sitting.

  19. An extremely detailed door. Very interesting.

  20. WOW! That is an amazing carving for a door!

  21. EG WoW says carving, but to me that looks like ironwork, which would make the detail all the more amazing. A bit over-the-top for a door, but certainly an amazing photo!

  22. Wow, quelle porte! Le monsieur etait sans doute soit le proprio soit l' architecte, j' imagine


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