Friday 13 August 2010

Weekend Reflections: l'étang de la Martinière

Martinière artificial lake, located in Satory military neighbourhood, was created during Louis the 14th's reign as a reservoir for the palace's grounds. As it is part of the army's domain, fishing is only allowed with a special permit. This is this week's contribution to Weekend Reflections.
L'étang de la Martinière, situé dans le quartier militaire de Satory, est artificiel. Il a été créé sous Louis XIV pour alimenter les jardins du château. Aujourd'hui domaine militaire, vous voyez qu'il n'est pas possible d'aller y pêcher... sauf pour certains ! Ce sont les Reflets du Weekend.


  1. Another fantastic reflection shot. You know something ... these weeks go by way too fast! Seems you post a reflection shot every other day!

    Can't imagine the army would allow any fishing whatsoever...or maybe they don't - by not issuing any permits...

  2. I like the 'pop' of blue in the middle of the lake, it's really cool.

  3. Beautiful, Ciel. Love the wrought iron fence. Our military bases all have barbed wire!

  4. That first shot is a real treasure.

  5. Ces reflets sont tout simplement superbes!

  6. Absolutely lovely photo. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Wow, even your lakes are historic! I like the blue spot also.

  8. An unusual reflection, with the different colors, a patch of sky blue.

  9. Les militaires sont comme les moines : ils installent toujours leurs batiments dans des endroits sublimes , et après les simples civils et mortels n'ont plus qu'à baver d'envie!La première photo est fabuleuse...

  10. Excellent!!
    Reflection upon reflection.
    One of your finest. MB

  11. j'ai pas ma carte de pêche je peux visiter ?

  12. The Army chooses well, a lovely place and a great image.

  13. This is a super reflection, Ciel... love that hit of sky blue on the water. Pretty place...

  14. What a gorgeous reflection! Great serene spot :D

  15. Domaine militaire, étang artificiel... Il faut bien avoir des compensations et des privilèges même de nos jours qui n'est ainsi pas perdu pour tout le monde.
    A Achère près de Poissy il y a des étangs sur d'anciennes sablières, réservés aussi à ceux qui ont la carte, et comment l'obtient-on d'ailleurs ?
    Toutes les étendues d'eau sont comme les lacs glaciaires ou l'océan, elles ne vivent que de reflèter le ciel, tu as sans doute remarqué cela, toi...

  16. Illegal fishing on a military base, sounds dangerous.

  17. A wonderful weekend reflection! My family and I just returned last night after a month of visiting relatives in Sweden and Norway!
    Bon weekend

  18. That is so pretty. It almost looks like a painting!

  19. This is a spectacular reflection! It reminds me of the water on the golf course. ;)

  20. Delightful reflections!
    Happy weekend.

  21. This lake is magnificent and your reflection post is beautiful, great work with your camera!
    The sky reflection in the first shot is brilliant!
    By the way, for me fishing in this place would be impossible because it's time to appreciate the lovely view, to read poetry and fill our heart with love! ;)

    *** I've already put our link reflections, I hope you don't mind!

  22. ta premeire photo est magnifique

    bon w end ;O)

  23. Beautiful capture as always, Ciel! I, too, love that "pop up blue" and the wrought iron fence -- definitely better than our barbed wire ones!! Have a lovely weekend!


  24. Lovely. They did good - hope the people enjoy it even if they can't fish.

  25. Superbes le ciel et ses reflets... Que voilà un cliché bien inspiré, merci de l'avoir partagé avec nous.

  26. stunning just stunning - love it.

    Have a lovely weekend :) Rosie
    Centre of Interest Photoblog

  27. I learn something new about Versailles every time I visit yout blog. Nice reflections.

  28. Beautiful capture! The king is to be commended for developing this lake as so many can enjoy its view even today!

  29. Anonymous13/8/10 22:05

    Beautiful my friend. I love how that blue sky shoes just a little on the lake. Gorgeous. Have a wonderful day :)

  30. Pensée impressionante; de créer un parc pareil et si joli. Ma photo préférée sera la 1ère ici. Très belle!

  31. Pour moi, le mot Martinière me fait penser à l'ardoise. Ce lac donne envie d'y écrire …

    Il ne faut pas désespérer, le port du Château fut longtemps le port de plaisance de la Marine, aujourd'hui, c'est un port d'escale ouvert à tous … Enfin ceux qui ont un voilier !

  32. Beautiful! It's like a lake filled with clouds.

  33. If you didn't say so, I would never have thought this was artificial.

    Beautiful place!


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