Sunday 10 May 2009

A Montreuil

Versailles' Montreuil neighbourhood is a calm, residential area with pretty houses... and flowering horse chestnuts!
Le quartier de Montreuil est résidentiel et calme, avec de jolies maisons... et des marronniers en fleurs !


  1. The setting has a lot of charm. The pink flowers and blue tile on the house compliment each other.

  2. I suppose I could force myself to live there if I had to...

    What would it take? When could I move in? I want to live in France!

  3. Looks very pretty, especially with all those flowering horse chestnuts.

  4. I have never seen pink horse chestnuts. They are amazing. I would love to look out my window and see those flowers.

  5. Beautiful Flowers...Talk about Charming.

  6. I love the detailing on French houses. The tiles are stunning!

  7. An idyllic neighbourhood I think. The perfect place to live maybe?

  8. The horse chestnut trees in our area are in bloom right now. I certainly haven't seen a single pink on here. That is beautiful.

  9. Dream house in a quartier de rêve.

  10. I think the red flowering ones are American horse chestnuts. They dont produce conkers though.

  11. The tile work is very appealing, adds much to the home.

  12. On en viendrait presque à aimer la région parisienne...;-)

  13. Great angle! I like blooming chestnuts - Nowy Sacz is now full of them:)

  14. Une bien jolie banlieue!!

  15. Ah Montreuil ! Ma fille avait une chambre chez l'habitant dans ce type de petite maison jolie comme tout (il n'y avait plus d'internat à l'époque au Lycée La Bruyère et elle était interne externée, qu'en est-il de l'internat aujourd'hui ?)
    C'est beau aussi les marroniers roses en fleur, quoique ce ne soit pas un arbre dont je raffole.

  16. So pretty. Those pink flowering trees are beautiful!

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