Monday 1 February 2016

February City Daily Photo Theme Day: scene from a coffee house

Rainy day at chat qui prise café Versailles
February already... There are no coffee houses in France, at least not like the brilliant ones in Vienna where this month's theme comes from... There are tea shops and cafés of course. Saturday was a horrible, wet, stormy day and VDP ended up in a café she likes, which of course she has shown you before: the snuffing cat (here in 2009 and there in 2010). What's more, VDP doesn't like coffee, so she went for a hot chocolate, though it wasn't particularly cold outside. Just icky wet and Charlotte-Adélaïde looked happier than VDP did! To see takes on the theme from all over the world, click here! Happy February!

Déjà février ! Le thème du premier du mois dans la communauté des blogueurs City Daily Photo c'est un truc qui n'existe pas vraiment en France, à savoir le "coffee house". Samedi il faisait un temps à ne pas mettre un chien dehors et VDP a atterri au chat qui prise, qu'elle vous a bien évidemment déjà montré par le passé, ici en 2009 et en 2010. Pour voir les interprétations du thème dans les villes de par le monde, cliquez ici ! Bon mois de février !
Au chat qui prise Versailles café snuffing cat
Au chat qui prise Versailles café


  1. Aw, with a lamb like that on your plate, what could be better. :-)

  2. Coffee is an essential ingredient in my well-being. Not that I'm adverse to hot chocolate!

  3. Great shots Ciel just the place to be on a cold wet Saturday. The colours in the second picture are amazing, so vivid....and you just can't beat hot chocolate whatever the weather outside...

  4. How could the moment be wrong with Charlotte and Hot Chocolate?

  5. It is that kind of rainy evening here, Ciel!

  6. The place seems to agree with Charlotte!

  7. I always enjoy seeing Charlotte-Adélaïde! I would have had the hot chocolate too.

  8. A regal chocolate. But you don't like coffee? That's okay. I don't like Brussel sprouts.

  9. Love the street feel of the first shot. I take my coffee intravenously.

  10. The lights on the counter sort of make this look more like a bar than a cafe. But you hot choc looks delicious and Charlotte Adelaide seems to be enjoying herself as well. :)

  11. Oh, Charlotte-Adélaïde trinkt Lavazza ! Süß !

  12. Catching the passerby with the umbrella is perfect.

  13. I'm with you on the coffee. I never acquired a taste for the stuff. This looks like a really nice place. I think I'd enjoy getting out of the cold in here.

  14. nice place for such a rainy day

  15. I quite like this, and I usually dislike these places...

  16. Now you see that first shot is so perfect to me Ciel, sitting in a cosy cafe while it's raining outside, a good book perhaps, a good friend.. parfait!

  17. I like the view from the window catching the person walking by with the umbrella. The blue glow in the second photo is great. Looks like a great place to spend some time in and drink a warm beverage.

  18. Hot cocoa with a lamb in a warm dry place sounds really good.
    Sweet pictures.

  19. Chocolate sounds like a great drink om a rainy, wet day!

  20. It looks like you found the right place to be on a wet day. And hot chocolate is perfect when the weather is wet.

  21. Hot chocolate sounds especially good this time of year!

  22. Lovely cafe, a perfect hideaway on a bad weather day!

    Thank you for participating in this month's theme day,

  23. You did a fine job here. Love the photos...hope that weather improves :).

  24. Well done, VDP. Love the blurred passer-by in the first image and the surprise appearance of Ms. C-A in the third.


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Merci de votre visite très appréciée et de laisser une pensée ! Désolée de devoir modérer vos commentaires, VDP en a un peu marre des spammeurs en ce moment !