Sunday 31 January 2016

7 ans...

Le roi est mort Versailles funérailles Louis XVIII
Seven years of VDP... Everything began on 31 January 2009... The 'the king is dead' exhibition draws to a close with later funerals. This is a reconstitution of Louis XVIII's funeral in 1824, with XIXth century replicas of the original emblems of the monarchy that are kept in the Louvre museum.

Sept ans de VDP... Tout a commencé le 31 janvier 2009... L'expo "le roi est mort" s'achève avec des funérailles royales et républicaines postérieures et une magistrale reconstitution de celles de Louis XVIII en 1824 avec des répliques du XIXème siècle des emblèmes et ornements royaux, les originaux étant conservés au musée du Louvre.
Le roi est mort Versailles funérailles Louis XVIII
Le roi est mort Versailles funérailles Louis XVIII
Le roi est mort Versailles funérailles Louis XVIII
Le roi est mort Versailles funérailles Louis XVIII


  1. Formidable comes to mind with these shot. Quite a mark to reach!

  2. And when he died, he ended up with just as much as the poorest Parisian!

    Seven years? Congrats!

  3. Wow seven years that's quite something, a big well done, lots more to come the drama of these pictures..

  4. The setting is so dramatic, Ciel! 7 years - seems to long but goes so fast - looking forward to many more!

  5. Congratulations! You have shown great effort, perseverance and art. Your blog is one of the most enjoyable around.

    We have no equivalent of your memorials for the death of kings. Perhaps all the to-do over David Bowie is as close as we get.

  6. The garments are most impressive. Still beautiful in photos.

  7. Congratulations Ciel!
    Your blog has been a source of inspiration!So many beautiful moments when I'm visiting here.Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures and articles.


  8. Significant exhibition. Clothing is fantastic as well as your photos.

  9. Congratulations, thats remarkable stamina and enthusiasm to post daily for 7 years. Your posts on death seems particularly relevant for January as I have been to more funerals than ever this month. Thanks for all the posts Ciel and I'm looking forward to many many more.

  10. 7 ans tu as atteint l'âge de raison ,-)))
    bravo je t'ai découverte il n'y a pas si longtemps mais depuis je lis la page si je suis à la maison...
    continue encore longtemps

  11. The king may be dead, but the queen is alive.
    And the queen continues to bring us
    Versailles Daily Photo.

    Long live the queen;
    Long live Versailles Daily Photo!



  12. This has been a right royal series Ciel, historically fascinating. HUGE congrats on seven years of fabulous Versailles!

  13. Congratulations! I hope you keep on blogging as I enjoy peeking through your doorway into Versailles!

  14. Beautiful pictures Ciel and Happy Birthday to VDP! My blog is only a couple of months older than yours, but I forgot its birthday back in November.

  15. Congratulations on the anniversary! Well done!
    I've enjoyed touring this exhibit with you. There are some splendid robes and finery in these shots.

  16. Great photos, impressive series... Compliments for the anniversary!

  17. Happy anniversary, Ciel and hope to see your photos for the next seven:)
    I love this exibition.

  18. Happy blog anniversary.

  19. Happy blogiversary! Seven years is quite an achievement. :)

  20. Le roi est mort. Vive le roi!
    Et vive Ciel VII!!!

  21. Congratulations, that's quite an accomplishment, you should be proud! I want you to know how much I enjoy getting to know Versailles through your photos.

  22. I'm just catching up with all your recent posts, so informative, so beautiful and amazing.
    You are so close to all this culture and history.

  23. congratulations and thanks for the beautiful photos
    et champagne !!!!

  24. Congrats on the seven year anniversary. With only three in my bag, seven feels astonishing. Keep up the good work.

  25. félicitations une prouesse
    et toujours de la qualité
    il est vrai que tu as un blog royal

    7 ans : champagne !!!!

  26. Happy anniversary, VDP! Long live the blog!

  27. Seven years? CONGRATULATIONS!


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