Friday 28 August 2015

Lundi, dans la soirée

Tempête avenue de Paris à Versailles storm
While we've had a hot summer since the beginning of June, this week started out stormy, windy, rainy and... well this was early evening on Avenue de Paris... As for yesterday, it was a November like monsoon day!

C'était lundi, avenue de Paris... un peu la tempête... Ne parlons même pas de la mousson de novembre d'hier !
Tempête avenue de Paris à Versailles storm
Tempête avenue de Paris à Versailles storm


  1. Wow, you're on fire this week, I love that first picture it's terrific, great perspective. It looks like all the rain we have been having has found its way to Versaille keep an umbrella handy...

  2. I really like the mood in that sky! Very ominous.

  3. I love that first pic too, Ciel!

  4. Hope you didn't get run over taking these. :-)

  5. Is this your preferred weather Ciel? Love the perspective in first and last, how did you get such a low angle?

  6. Il en faut bien de temps en temps pour laver et nettoyer tout ça !
    Coup de cœur pour la première image, la terre est basse mais le résultat est là.

  7. Anonymous28/8/15 10:46

    I like your low down angle, the weather does look very different too!

  8. et hier ce n'était pas mieux...

  9. An amazing first picture! Brava!

  10. I like the 'V' shape to your first image. Strong foreground too that sets up the ominous sky.

  11. Crazy weather! I love your perspective on these shots!

  12. falling leaves? I guess you are further North, so that makes sense. None the less, it bums me out.

    I love the low perspective.

  13. I see you've got the Tenin angle. ;-)
    Love the dramatic sky!

  14. Your photos capture the weather beautifully. Hats off to you for getting those ground shots. I tried something similar the other day and struggled. Anyone watching would have been amused :).

  15. Love the composition of these photos...and the moody sky!

  16. I don't like these kinds of days. But I wasn't worried because I thought that first photo was going to be on the cover of your new book, which begins, "It was a dark and stormy night..." :)

  17. Weather is rarely just right, eh? Too hot, too cold, too rainy, too dry.


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