Saturday 29 August 2015

En août aux jardins familiaux de Jussieu

Allotments Versailles jardins familiaux Jussieu
Mid-August scenes of the Jussieu neighbourhood allotments which you had seen here in winter!

Vous les aviez vus en hiver ici.
Allotments Versailles jardins familiaux Jussieu
Allotments Versailles jardins familiaux Jussieu


  1. Lovely pictures Ciel, allotments are very big here as well. I particularly like the way you have framed them so that you can see the close proximy of the apartment buildings...

  2. I love seeing the colors of the flowers. We are moving into fall here.

  3. Superbes jardins,bonjour belge. blog de ma ville Mons

  4. There are a lot of them here too and it always so interesting to take a look at what everyone is doing and how they each have their own idea about how it should be done! Love these shots, Ciel!

  5. There are a lot of things growing in those gardens. I especially like those big orange flowers.

  6. I like the winter shots, too...there's a misty glow over the landscape, but in summer the place bursts forth in a riot of color. What a great space!

  7. Anonymous29/8/15 09:59

    That's a nice place to escape and attend to your plants etc etc!

  8. des jardins bien fleuri de dahlias

  9. The allotments look so jolly with their summer flowers and lush growth, super images Ciel.

  10. It's looking like late summer there as much as it does here in Canada!

  11. The gardens are looking quite packed and ready at this point.


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