Monday 29 June 2015

Le banc du jardin des étangs Gobert

Bench banc jardin étangs Gobert Versailles
Once you have reached the top of yesterday's stairs, you arrive at a rather nice space which is occupied, in part, by this huge and very controversial 90 metres long (295ft) bench! The garden has materialised on what were once huge ponds, which used to provide water for the palace's fountains.

Une fois arrivés en haut de l'escalier que VDP vous montrait hier, vous arrivez à un espace vert occupé, en partie, par ce banc de 90 mètres, qui n'a pas échappé à la controverse. Le jardin est construit sur ce qui fut un étang alimentant les fontaines du château, d'où son nom !


  1. I really like that first picture, it's got lovely balance. Those garden must be fabulous...

  2. Room for everyone on that bench!

  3. People don't like change! It is the same here and actually I don't handle change in my own place very well. ;-))

  4. Always on the cell phone.

  5. This is quite a big bench.

  6. Nice gardens...and, obviously, plenty of room for all!

  7. je trouve cette réhabilitation réussie !

  8. Anonymous29/6/15 10:23

    I like the way it snakes around the lawn!

  9. I like the idea, not so fond of the implementation. It seems cold and harsh

  10. I like that bench. There is a lot of potential in this space.

  11. Das erste Foto sagt viel über unsere moderne Gesellschaft !
    Gefällt mir gut, das Foto !

  12. Very cool. One could skateboard on that bench, if one were predisposed to skateboarding which I am not in case you're wondering. You could try it, though, 'cause you're a lot younger than I am.

  13. Just great! I guess this will be the longest bench we'll ever see on "A bunch of Benches"! :-)

  14. I rather like the bench. Lots of space for everyone!

  15. I;ve never seen such a long bench before. But it looks good.

  16. This long benche looks great, something to everyone.

  17. Un bel endroit et un banc original :)


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