Saturday 30 May 2015

Le bassin de Latone début mai 2015

Latone Fountain Versailles restoration 2015
What a difference! Latona is back, looking towards the Grand Canal again! These early May photos were taken by VDP's friend Atelier Choco Turquoise The public was invited to come and see on the palace's closing day (Mondays) but VDP was at work. So, what do you prefer? Before or after? Anyone interested in the historic restoration of Latona fountain should browse the palace's website dedicated to it. It's packed with information about techniques, history, mythology and a timeline of the restoration project! It's this way! VDP hasn't had a chance to go see it with water flowing yet, but should you so want to, check out VDP's mate's photos on his website, Pierrick Daul Photographie. They are gorgeous! VDP had introduced you to Pierrick here.

Quelle différence ! Latone est de retour ! Ces photos de début mai ont été prises par l'amie de VDP, l'Atelier Choco Turquoise. Le public était invité à observer, un lundi matin, jour de fermeture du château, mais VDP travaillait. Vous préférez avant ou après ? Le site du château dédié à la restauration du bassin est extrêmement bien fait pour toute personne intéressée par les techniques, l'histoire, la mythologie et l'évolution du chantier. Il est par ici. VDP n'a pas encore eu le loisir de se rendre au château depuis, mais si vous souhaitez voir de magnifiques photos du bassin restauré, en eau, faites un détour par le site web du pote de VDP,  Pierrick Daul Photographie ! VDP vous avait présenté Pierrick ici !
Latone Fountain Versailles restoration 2015
Latone Fountain Versailles restoration 2015


  1. I like the picture with the grand canal behind, it all looks very fabulous and the way the statues

  2. Love that red marble. Woohoo!

  3. What a wonder - the fountain, the view, the just doesn't get any better than this!

  4. Nice shots. Looks like it's almost ready.

  5. All that gold! No wonder it is flooded with tourists. I read this very interesting article today about Europe and tourists: I posted it on FB, but if you missed it . . .Read this article on "Europe's Culture Crush" and the coming summer months:…/europe-braces-for-a-summer-travel-crus…

  6. That's a big crew. It must be a labor of love for them. I hope.

  7. Anonymous30/5/15 09:20

    Just lacking the water now!

  8. The fountain is looking especially spectacular now with it's new gilding and works. Just in time for the heavy tourist season.

  9. Almost ready! :-)

  10. I've just seen Kate has given you the link...

  11. Spectacular looking fountain. Thank you for this post.

  12. What a fountain. Hurry back!

  13. Welcome back, Latona!

  14. The fountain and grounds are looking magnificent!

  15. Wow - it is brilliant!

  16. It is really spectacular, thanks for the link to the restoration website, it's an Engineer's dream.

  17. Thursday, June 11th 2015,
    12:00 (Montréal).

    Thank you for taking time in showing these wonderful pictures of the restaured "Bassin De Latone"!

    Anyone, seeing the basin in the past 190 years, would and could not have understood (let alone appreciate) what the king had wished, lived with and seen everyday! - can you imagine Versailles, when everything was in this state of beauty?!

    A point of interest; the "Trianon de marbre" ("Grand Trianon", built in 1686), today all grey and yellowed, presently on top of the restauration list and awaiting a "mécène", is, with its cream-colored "St-Leu" stone, almost entirely clad with the same, three types of marbles used to ornate the basin...

    I'm looking forward to that!

    Very cordially,


Thank you for visiting and leaving a thought! Sorry about the moderation, a bit tired of spam at the moment!

Merci de votre visite très appréciée et de laisser une pensée ! Désolée de devoir modérer vos commentaires, VDP en a un peu marre des spammeurs en ce moment !