Friday 20 March 2015

Weekend Reflections : inauguration

Brass band Versailles Richaud  Bio c bon fanfare
So yesterday VDP was showing you part of the opening ceremonies of the new shops at Richaud hospital. They also involved some music for the new organic shop 'Bio c' Bon' ('organic is good'). VDP was a bit surprised that there were tomatoes for sale, as organic shops are usually careful to promote seasonal fruit and vegetables and tomatoes won't be in season for several months... Taking part in Weekend Reflections, all posts are this way!

Hier VDP vous montrait une partie des animations autour de l'inauguration des nouveaux magasins des carrés Richaud. Pour la nouvelle alimentation "Bio c' bon", il y avait aussi de la musique ! VDP a été surprise d'y voir des tomates. Elle pensait, bêtement, que les magasins bio étaient plus attentifs à la saisonnalité des fruits et légumes... Tous les Reflets du Weekend sont par ici !
Brass band Versailles Richaud  Bio c bon fanfare
Brass band Versailles Richaud  Bio c bon fanfare
Brass band Versailles Richaud  Bio c bon fanfare
Organic shop Versailles Richaud  Bio c Bon


  1. The music would be quite welcome!

  2. Creative reflection!

  3. Nice set! The second shot looks awesome!

  4. I love the shine of that brass!
    We get Canadian tomatoes year round here. They're grown in hothouses.

  5. Creative reflections! Looks like they went all-out with the party.

  6. Anonymous20/3/15 09:35

    Looks like a fun event!

  7. @Kay, yes these are grown in hothouses too in France with soilless techniques. But a lot of organic shops promote seasonal fruit and in your garden, you would not get tomatoes in March, no way...

  8. J'adore brass bands AND reflections in brass instruments.. Totes fab series of reflections Ciel.
    P.s. I guess we're lucky because of our much milder winters veg like tomatoes grow year round.

  9. ça déménage en musique dans le quartier !

  10. clever and fun reflections! that looks like a great little store! have a wonderful weekend :)

  11. Nice reflections in the horns! The fruits and veggies look so good.

  12. Looks like quite a celebration. Tomatoes in March is way out of season, I agree.

  13. Anonymous20/3/15 16:22

    nice that they keep their instruments so shiny...perfect for reflections!

  14. Anonymous20/3/15 16:57

    Love the music instrument reflection. Great selection.

  15. joli coups d oeil et ambiance on dirait ;o)

  16. Those brass instruments have great reflections. Well done.

  17. Yes, well done! I like these almost surreal reflections.

  18. Great reflections shots. Have a wonderful weekend.

  19. what a shiny reflection... well done...

  20. My enthusiasm for the organic and bio fad is almost nonexistent, but I have to admit that an inauguration like this one is simply amazing: we do not see this often... Excellent images and reflections!

  21. Wait, they're not dressed in parkas or rain coats, how can this be? Looks like a fun and grand opening.

  22. I'm trying to spot you in the reflections;)

  23. What a happy time. I love the golden colors you caught in the instruments.

  24. That's great! Well seen.

  25. Quite a celebrations! Pretty pics.

  26. Nice those reflections in the music instruments. A different mirror then normal. I like it.

  27. Creative reflection shots! LOVE them!

  28. Eine ganze Band zur Eröffnung eines Geschäftes? Toll !


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Merci de votre visite très appréciée et de laisser une pensée ! Désolée de devoir modérer vos commentaires, VDP en a un peu marre des spammeurs en ce moment !