Sunday 1 March 2015

March City Daily Photo Theme Day: Ageing

Lebanon Cedar Versailles Petit Trianon
It's March already, it's unbelievable! So here we go for another Theme Day! VDP loves this Lebanon Cedar, always has. It stands proud and tall at the edge of Marie-Antoinette's estate at Petit Trianon castle in the palace grounds, is believed to have been planted by botanist Bernard de Jussieu (1699-1777) and VDP thinks it is ageing rather well! To view all participants in the CDP community click here. Happy March!

Le thème du mois de mars de la communauté des blogueurs City Daily Photo est "vieillissant ou vieillissement". VDP adore ce cèdre du Liban. Il se dresse, beau et fier, dans le domaine de Marie-Antoinette au Petit Trianon. On pense qu'il a été planté par le botaniste Bernard de Jussieu (1699-1777) et VDP trouve qu'il vieillit plutôt bien ! Pour voir toutes les participations au thème de la communauté, cliquez ici. Bon mois de mars !
Lebanon Cedar Versailles Petit Trianon
Lebanon Cedar Versailles Petit Trianon


  1. That tree has a whole lot of history. What a beauty!

  2. It certainly is and it's lovely. If it could only talk, we would probably hear some wonderful stories!

  3. You are right, VDP. It is aging perfectly.

  4. A wonderful tree! Sometimes I try to imagine what such old trees have already seen! :)

  5. What a good choice for the theme, Ciel! I like it a lot.

  6. Goodness! Does that mean this tree could be over two hundred years old Ciel.. doesn't look a day over one hundred. It's a beauty, long may it thrive.

  7. the year is whizzing past isnt it

    I LOVE the first shot

  8. looking good for 205+ years old .. while on vacation we visited the angle oak near Charleston South Carolina in the USA .. the angle oak is 500+ years old and shows it's age .. also, while on a different vacation we visited a very old banyan tree in Hawaii .. these aging trees have beauty and a power to touch those who visit them

  9. What living thing ages more gracefully than ancient trees?

  10. Top shots. Great theme day post.

  11. What a beautiful tree - a lovely choice for the theme. Very nice portraits of it.

  12. A beautiful and historic tree.

  13. After more than two centuries it is really ageing well!

  14. Gorgeous looking tree, Ciel. I especially like the way the light falls on the trunk in the second image. Such a good choice for the theme.

  15. A magnificent old cedar. Long may it live.

  16. Beautiful tree,love that first picture!

  17. mais il est dans la force de l'age !!

  18. vieillir comme ce cèdre me fait revoir ma position sur la vieillesse !

  19. Quand l'histoire se mele au charme alors adoptons pour nous memes...

  20. Beautiful shots! Loved your choice, Ciel.

  21. I do love the look of Lebanon cedars. They look just a bit mysterious to me. Excellent choice for the theme.

  22. a really charming old tree

  23. Anonymous1/3/15 19:16

    Wonderful image... Happy St David's Day!

  24. I think it is aging well too! Wonderful shots.

  25. Anonymous1/3/15 21:12

    Un arbre majestueux dans un endroit magnifique

  26. What a handsome fellow. I hope to look that good at its age.

  27. Indeed, it has aged very well.

  28. It looks quite healthy, for 300+ years old.

  29. We often forget, nature outlives us all. Really puts the age in context when you see the year it was planted.

  30. these are gorgeous captures of gorgeous trees! not always easy to capture trees with out human things in the scene, like wires, buildings, cars etc.

  31. Ein prächtiger alter Baum, toll !


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