Wednesday 14 January 2015


Académie Equestre Versailles horse stables
If you are lucky and willing to cross the street from the palace to the king's big stables, you might be able to see this kind of scene! Training for the dressage show! VDP told you all about the Equestrian Academy of Versailles here and here. To watch a short video of one of the Academy's shows inside the stables, click here. And finally, if you are in Versailles, try to go to the show! All the info is this way.

Si vous traversez la place d'Armes du château à la grande écurie du roi, vous verrez peut-être l'entraînement d'une écuyère et de sa monture... VDP vous parlait de l'Académie Equestre ici et . Pour un aperçu d'une matinale de l'Académie dans l'écurie, cliquez ici. Si vous êtes à Versailles, essayez de ne pas rater le spectacle, toutes les infos sont par ici.
Académie Equestre Versailles horse stables
Académie Equestre Versailles horse stables
Académie Equestre Versailles horse stables


  1. What a stunning animal and the backdrop is equally as stunning!

  2. I enjoyed this competitions more than the jumping event. The settings like that background architecture so much nicer than the events I have been.

  3. Beautiful! I would love to be able to watch the training as well as the show. I enjoyed the video too!

  4. Quite a setting to be riding in. Terrific action shots!

  5. Such a beautiful horse.

  6. I would have loved to have seen this but I didn't cross the street. I didn't even know I had to cross the street! But we were on a short leash time-wise, so... again, I hope there's a next time with more time.

  7. Horses were a bit alien when I was growing up. There were a few mounted policemen but that was it. These images are beautiful but I'll never fully understand.

  8. This would be special to see in person.

  9. It always amazes me how they are trained and all the things they can do. Love and affection go a long way in achieving this. With those beautiful surroundings they were the aristocrats of the horse world.

  10. Quel cadre magnifique !

  11. Anonymous14/1/15 10:31

    That's a wonderful sight, and set against such a wonderful backdrop too... very impressive!

  12. A very nice reportage, it is so rare to catch some horses around here...

  13. Oh yes, that would be fun to watch especially in such a beautiful setting.

  14. See my blog---
    Maybe I could ride this horse in a circus act someday.
    Horses have always intrigued the heck out of me.

  15. What an elegant horse! Beautiful photos!

  16. Oh I will definitely go the next time I'm in Versailles Ciel :)looks amazing, j'adore your shots here.

  17. beautiful and what an impressive arena to ride in! love the photos, especially the last one!

  18. These are such beautiful horses, Ciel! I would love to see them in action.

  19. That's an amazing setting for horses.

    The video is fantastic!

  20. Dressage is not as easy as it looks, I've been told by friends who have done it. :)

  21. Looks like a fantastic thing to see!


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