Monday 22 December 2014

Vous ne l'avez pas encore ?

If you haven't yet got your tree, come to the flower market and they'll wrap it for you!

Dans ce cas, rendez-vous au marché aux fleurs !


  1. Quite a beautiful setting to have Christmas trees in!

  2. Got it! Good thing, too. Would have been one heck of a carryon.

  3. Looks like a fun place, but I'll pass 'cause I've got a tree, had a tree and currently am sort of up a tree!

  4. I don't think they will let me on the airplane with it. I'll have to get one closer to home. ;-)

  5. Those are some beautiful trees.

  6. I don't know if anyone does that here! Mine is artificial. ;-)

  7. I bet is smells pretty good. We bought an artificial tree a few years back because my son is allergic, one of the many good traits I passed to him.

  8. I've never seen a tree wrapping machine like that. It's ingenious. They may be around here but we stopped bothering with the trees when the children got to college age.

  9. It's a roaring trade at this time of year!

  10. Ich habe schon einen, danke!
    Nettes Bild!

  11. C'est l'odeur que je sens d'ici qui m'attire...
    Merveilleuses fetes de find d'annee remplies de douceurs en tous genres!

  12. Thank you, these are lovely, I am fine without one...

  13. Can't help you there. Ours has been up since Dec. 2, but I do like to see trees on cars driving around these last few days. Always too much to do and think about this close to 'Santa Time'.

  14. We got our tree last week. Bob and I et a live one and then plant it on the property--somewhere. This year we got a Black Hills spruce. It is beautiful--about 5ft--as tall as me and of course just as beautiful. hahaha!!

    BTW: you have captcha too

  15. A tree wrapper or a jet engine?


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