Sunday 21 December 2014

Le concert Candle Christmas à Saint-Joseph

Christmas concert St Joseph Versailles
You had seen the chapel on Thursday, but not the concert! So here we are inside, the place was so packed that children were sitting on the floor! Directed by Gaëtan Jarry who played both the piano and the organ, the young Versaillais singers who were also accompanied by harpist Clara Izambert perfectly sang some Britten, various carols and the seasonal 'hits' Adeste Fideles and Jingle Bells! You can listen to the Little Singers of Saint-François de Versailles by clicking here.

Vous aviez vu la chapelle jeudi dernier, mais pas le concert de dimanche dernier ! Nous voici à l'intérieur, l'édifice était tellement plein que les enfants étaient assis par terre devant le premier rang ! Dirigés par Gaëtan Jarry qui a joué aussi bien du piano que de l'orgue, les Petits Chanteurs de Saint-François de Versailles et la Pré-Manécanterie, également accompagnés par la harpiste Clara Izambert, ont parfaitement chanté du Britten, plusieurs carols (chants de Noël) et les "tubes de saison" que sont Adeste Fideles et Jingle Bells ! Vous pouvez écouter les Petits Chanteurs de Saint-François de Versailles en cliquant ici.
Christmas concert Versailles St Joseph
Christmas concert Versailles St Joseph
Christmas concert Versailles St Joseph


  1. Wonderful shot of the children through the harp strings, ciel.

  2. In spite of my non-affinity for churches, I would have loved this! Looks like such a beautiful setting, too. I'm off to listen now!

  3. The top picture is wonderful, great shot..

  4. What sweet voices. This must have been wonderful to experience.

  5. Looks like a magical evening !

  6. What is it about candlelight that makes things so special.

  7. Unquestionably a highlight of the Christmas season in Versailles.

  8. What a beautiful setting to be performing in!

  9. That through-the-harp picture is inspired. It gives me a sense of the space and sound.

  10. Coup de coeur pour cette deuxieme photo et ces jeunes voix qui emeuvent.

  11. I like the harp shot too. There is something very warming about a carol service.

  12. Delightful!

  13. Any music that has a harp has to be nice. You got the perfect angles to show us the mood.

  14. Some really beautiful images for an interesting concert!

  15. I love the shot through the harp!

  16. Beautiful voices. And photos.

  17. Of course they are Erzebirge, as are the pyramid and the lichterbogen.

  18. Last year you told me that VDP isn't a photography blog. I disagree, it's a photography blog and much more.
    Excellent shots!

    Oh, and the singers are wonderful!!!

  19. They sound heavenly. I bet they were excited to to have such a prestigious harpist (is that a word?) as an accompaniment. Beautiful photos.


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