Monday 1 December 2014

December City Daily Photo Theme Day: People in Their Workplace

Pierrick Daul photographe Versailles
So it's December, yay! VDP's favourite month! People in their workplace is the City Daily Photo blogger community's December Theme Day. Meet Pierrick Daul, VDP's mate, one of the best photographers around. His workplace? The whole city of Versailles. He has recently landed the job of city photographer! You can see some of his photos of Versailles, New York City, Alaska and elsewhere on his Facebook page which is this way. To see all takes on the December Theme Day from all over the world, click here! Happy December!

Nous voilà en décembre, youpi, le mois préféré de VDP ! Le thème du premier du mois dans la communauté des blogueurs City Daily Photo est : "gens dans leur lieu de travail". VDP vous présente son pote Pierrick Daul, l'un des meilleurs photographes du coin ! Son lieu de travail ? Toute la commune ! Il a récemment candidaté à et obtenu le poste de photographe officiel de la ville de Versailles ! Pour voir quelques unes de ses photos de Versailles mais aussi de New York ou d'Alaska, vous pouvez visiter sa page Facebook qui est par ici. Pour voir toutes les interprétations du thème partout dans le monde, cliquez ici ! VDP vous souhaite un bon mois de décembre !


  1. Whoa! Where did he come from? Great photo for theme day, and I did check out Facebook...he does some magnificent work. Good on you!

  2. He appears quite focused on his craft!

  3. Such a good choice, Ciel!

  4. The official city photographer. What a great gig. I don't think St. Louis has one but he mayor does. I've seen him around and introduced myself once. He's and old grump.

    Not this guy.

  5. So happy to see a gifted photographer gainfully employed.

  6. What an amazing shot. I forgot about the theme and will have to troll my archives for a photo. Oh well.

  7. Good shot of him plying his trade. I tried to go to his website but it is under construction ... I think ...

  8. tres sympa et tres belles photos sur sa page FB

  9. Une belle facon de lui rendre hommage. Belles photos sur FB.

  10. Bravo Pierrick Daul!

  11. what a fun job that must be!

  12. Ha, did he then take your picture?
    He has the best job.
    Happy December!

  13. Tease him about taking photos of postcards for me please :-) His work is excellent. I wish I smiled at work the way he does.

    Happy December!

  14. I like his work! He certainly knows what he's doing with a camera! (And I'm jealous of his talent!)

  15. A fun work, a dream for many!
    Nice choice, Ciel !

  16. Great shot of a man who loves his work. MB

  17. Anonymous1/12/14 16:40

    A photographer photographing a photographer, always a good combination... especially in December!

  18. What a fantastic job for a photographer, to photography their city. Must check out his work. Great choice for the theme.

  19. Gosh what a fab job that must be.. after looking at his work I can see why he was appointed. Love this shot for the theme Ciel, super!

  20. I'm surprised you didn't land the job of Versailles's official photographer. :)

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Love this picture!
    Thanks for introducing this photographer, I'm enchanted by his work. He is very talented!

  23. Great photos on his page and great portrait of the 'worker'! ;-)

  24. It seems appropriate that a photographer gets his day on City Daily Photo! Well done.

  25. Anonymous1/12/14 22:24

    Photo d'un photographe ... sympa !

  26. How fun! What a great job to have and I am sure he enjoys very much being a successful photographer.

  27. City photographer is a pretty good gig. Wouldn't you love it?

  28. And I thought I had pressure with ADP. He must really have to work hard to get good photos on demand.


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