Monday 1 September 2014

September City Daily Photo Theme Day: Rust and Ruins

Cherub fountain Mansart Versailles
So it's September. VDP couldn't find rust AND ruins. Rust yes, ruins not really but decay would have been okay. Rust AND ruins proved impossible (though naturally she might find something tomorrow...) Anyway, so here's rust. Above, a cherub on the 'Water Buffet', one of Mansart's masterpiece fountains at Grand Trianon castle in the palace grounds. VDP had told you about it here (more to come tomorrow). Below, bikers arriving at the palace on 16 August in front of very rusty ironwork! To see all takes on the September 2014 theme of the City Daily Photo blogging community, click here! Happy September everyone!

Premier du mois, jour à thème dans la communauté des blogueurs City Daily Photo. Le thème du mois, c'est rouille et ruines. Bon, impossible de trouver les deux. Délabrement et rouille, oui. Mais pas rouille et ruine. Donc VDP a opté pour la rouille seule. Ci-dessus, l'un des chérubins du buffet d'eau, la merveille de Mansart au Grand Trianon que VDP vous présentait ici (et d'autres photos sont à venir). Ci-dessous, des motards arrivant au château le 16 août dernier devant de la ferronnerie très rouillée. Pour voir les interprétations du monde entier sur ce thème, c'est par ici ! Bon mois de septembre !
Biker Versailles


  1. Very elegant rust. :-)

  2. It looks good even though it isn't ruin. Lots of rust and ruin here, I wouldn't know where to start.

  3. bon choix de cet ange, qui mériterait un petit coup de rénovation.

  4. Quite a lively looking statue, even with the rust. I went for the ruin in my choice for the theme.

  5. A Perfect choice for rust!

  6. That is some nice rust.

  7. I went for rust too, Ciel! It's hard to find them both. Love your rusty cherub.

  8. Beautiful examples of the theme.

  9. Lack of ruin is a good thing.

  10. You did perfectly well with that rusty cherub! That works!

  11. Looks like a cherub with the measles. But still charming!

  12. The motorcycles have an almost rust color.

    I'm thinking that "rust and ruins" has a certain meaning to native English speakers in certain countries, but it is lost on me. I had never even heard the phrase.

  13. Anonymous1/9/14 10:04

    Love the cherub, the cascading water really 'freshens' it up!

  14. Rust without ruins is quite acceptable, and I really love the second photo!

  15. I like how the rust has coloured the cherub.

  16. Looks rusty to me. Job done!

  17. I kind of took the idea as rust OR ruins. ;-)
    Love your first shot, although I feel a bit sorry for the rusty cherub.

  18. Armer kleiner Engel, der könnte etwas mehr Aufmerksamkeit gebrauchen.
    Schöne Fotos zu diesem Thema, Ciel !

  19. Two beautiful examples today. Love the smiling cherub in the fountain and the iron work is beautiful too.

  20. Difficile de ne pas être rouillé avec autant d'eau qui tombe !

  21. Now there's a contrast, cherubs and bikers. I like the rust and the bikes. I should be riding mine now, but it's oppressively hot and humid (feels like 37C, yuk)

  22. Love that cherub. I thought that things only rusted in humid Malta :)

  23. Wonderful shots for the theme Ciel! I am finally back to blogging again. My knee is allowing me to get out and get some pictures as long as I don't overdo it!

  24. Great shots! Love the contrast! :)

  25. Super theme day post...for some reason I began singing an old country song called "Rusty Ol' Halo."

  26. Bon la rouille en general on prefere l'eviter sauf au restaurant.
    Mais il faut avouer que parfois cela est du plus bel effet en photo meme en B&W.

  27. I love your cherub. Finding either rust or ruin works for me. Let's not get too fussy.

  28. Sweet little rusty cherub.. this image would feel quite at home on Artsy Versailles Ciel :)


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