Tuesday 2 September 2014

Le buffet d'eau en eau !

Buffet d'eau Mansart Versailles fountainVDP had shown you the 'water buffet' in the gardens of Grand Trianon castle and told you about the marble and the architect here. On 15 August, she was gobsmacked when she saw the flowing water, it was so beautiful and made such a difference with the previous post!

VDP vous avait montré le buffet d'eau de Mansart dans les jardins du Grand Trianon et parlé du marbre et de l'architecte ici. Le 15 août, elle a été époustouflée par la beauté en eau ! Quelle différence avec les précédentes photos "sèches" !
Buffet d'eau Mansart Versailles fountain
Buffet d'eau Mansart Versailles fountain
Buffet d'eau Mansart Versailles fountain


  1. This is a stunning fountain ... and yes, the water makes a big difference. You're very fortunate to be able to see these wonderful treasures on a regular basis!

  2. So beautiful and outstanding!! Catches you doesn't it.

    Oh no! I forgot all about ist of the month theme day. WAH!!!
    You have beautiful rust though. Well not you personally but you know what I mean.

  3. It makes for a beautiful series, Ciel. The fountain design's pretty.

  4. So beautiful. I would love to see it in person.

  5. There are four very big "wow's" for these images, Cieldequimper. Love 'em. But where are the people?

  6. c'est tout simplement magnifique, on s'attend a un feu d'artifice pour l'accompagner

  7. Wow! It really is beautiful! Lucky you to see it in person. :)

  8. Someone spent some time building that one. Probably has a nice sound to it as well.

  9. Das ist ein wunderbarer Brunnen, selten so einen gesehen!

  10. Oh absolutely Ciel.. the cascading water turns it into a joyful affair.. this is exactly how I remember it, merci beaucoup!

  11. What a gorgeous fountain and I love the different views you given us.

  12. We live in a world where we are surprised to see flowing water from fountains...

  13. So soothing to the spirit to watch and listen to water in a fountain so this being a "buffet" must be awesome!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Nous arriverons à Paris le 4eme Dec. pour un sejour d'une semaine. :-)

  16. How wonderful! It is always sad to see a dry fountain. Glad you were there to see it flowing, Ciel!

  17. Fantastic fountain, there is nothing like the sound of running water in a fountain , stream or river.

  18. Franchement classieux. Cinq étoiles !


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