Sunday 7 September 2014


City Daily Photo bloggers Versailles
VDP apologises for not having visited all your blogs yesterday. Two years after their first meeting, she spent Saturday afternoon with Bob and his wife Carolyn of Saint Louis, Missouri and they were joined by Olivier of Evry later to have dinner. What a smashing day this was! Below is Bob in a photographic genuflexion inside Notre-Dame de Versailles church!

VDP vous prie de l'excuser de n'avoir pas visité tous vos blogs hier. Deux ans après leur première rencontre, elle a passé samedi après-midi avec Bob et son épouse Carolyn de Saint Louis dans le Missouri. Ils furent rejoints par Olivier d'Evry le soir pour dîner. Ce fut une journée formidable, comme toujours quand les blogueurs City Daily Photo se réunissent ! Ci-dessous, Bob en pleine génuflexion photographique en l'église Notre-Dame de Versailles !
Kneeling in Notre Dame Versailles
And finally, the usual café table shot, taken here at Broadway café before Olivier's arrival! Watch out for some photos of Versailles to come on Saint Louis Daily Photo!

Et pour finir, l'obligatoire photo de la table au café Broadway avant l'arrivée d'Olivier ! Attendez vous à voir quelques photos de Versailles sur Saint Louis Daily Photo !
Broadway Cafe Versailles


  1. Very cool, VDP. I'm sure you had a great time with fellow bloggers.

  2. I follow both blogs, so it's fun seeing them out of their usual elements! Bob and Carolyn seem to be enjoying the trip to Europe!

  3. That's fabulous, Ciel!

  4. How fun! I wish I had been able to meet up with you when I was in Versailles earlier this summer. Next time I promise!

  5. Looks like it was a fun day.

  6. Always nice to see that bloggers meet to have some fun together and have some private talk.
    This one between the altar table and the cofee table!
    How fun.

  7. Nice. Glad the sun came out for you later. I like your term "photographic genuflection." :)

  8. What a great community, love the last picture of the drinks.

  9. It's rare that I am in photographs and vanishingly rare that you will find me kneeling in one.

    Thanks for the wonderful time yesterday. We aren't making it out to Giverny - out too late and up too late. One more day in Paris and then home.

  10. I love it that so many bloggers want to meet you! Very cool!

  11. Fantastic! I do so love meeting fellow bloggers whenever I can. It must have been a great reunion.

  12. That BC surely gets around.

  13. i recognized olivier right away!! what fun!

  14. Say hi if you get to meet them again! :-)

  15. Lovely pictures for a nice occasion!

  16. That's an impressive line-up of DP'ers Ciel :) Fun time.. did the sky remain bleu for the visit?

  17. So wonderful to meet up with fellow bloggers - something I'd love to do but it has never actually happened.

  18. Looks like you had a nice time, despite the poor weather!

  19. I wish I had that good of an excuse for not visiting :-o

    I like the colorful drinks!

  20. I'm sure it was a day to remember.

  21. super de pouvoir se rencontrer :)


Thank you for visiting and leaving a thought! Sorry about the moderation, a bit tired of spam at the moment!

Merci de votre visite très appréciée et de laisser une pensée ! Désolée de devoir modérer vos commentaires, VDP en a un peu marre des spammeurs en ce moment !