Sunday 17 August 2014

Sign Series X: Le Pluart

Sign the pig in the pot Versailles
This is the sign above Le Pluart, butcher and deli in Saint-Louis neighbourhood. You had seen the shop here with its Christmas decorations! Sorry VDP isn't visiting your blogs, keep your fingers crossed her Internet access will be up and running again on Tuesday! Thank you so much for all your comments!

Ca, c'est l'enseigne de Le Pluart, boucher-charcutier-traiteur à Saint-Louis. Vous aviez vu la vitrine et les décos de Noël ici. Désolée que VDP ne vous rende pas visite, croisez les doigts pour qu'elle récupère son accès Internet mardi ! Merci mille fois pour tous vos commentaires !


  1. Tuesday will be a grand day if VDP returns, the world is waiting!
    As we talked about last spring when I got the 8 chicks, right on schedule, all 8 put an egg in the nest box today. Of course they are little pullet eggs but they are still fine to eat.

  2. A very distinctive looking sign, Ciel! I hope things get properly restored for your page.

  3. A great sign. I too take sign photos, but up until recently, I haven't had a camera which was able to capture them close up.

    Hope your computer troubles are over zoo. Amicalement.

  4. That doesn't look like a happy pig! ;-)

  5. You show us kind of a disturbing sign today, a distressed pig in a burning kettle. I'm not sure I will be able to sleep tonight.

    Good luck on Tuesday.

  6. That's a great sign.

  7. Great sign but, I'm feeling a bit sorry for that poor pig. I think I might have to try to get him out of there.

  8. That's a fine looking sign. Now I'm think of pork soup.

  9. Anonymous17/8/14 12:33

    Very dramatic looking!

  10. An interesting sign if perhaps not all that attractive...I mean even folks who enjoy pork might find it distressing to be reminded as to how their pig becomes the pork that lands on their plate! :)

  11. That's a great name... a name with "art" in it has to be good.

  12. I would have guesses a restaurant, not a butcher, unusual sign! I guess the pig looks a bit distressed with all that heat. I'm not upset by it, in my younger days, we used to have big parties that featured a roast pig.

  13. Jack's comment made me lol :) but he's right :)

  14. Shingle signs are the best!

  15. That's a great sign!

  16. A sign that can't be ignored. Ouch! Poor piggy.


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Merci de votre visite très appréciée et de laisser une pensée ! Désolée de devoir modérer vos commentaires, VDP en a un peu marre des spammeurs en ce moment !