Saturday 16 August 2014

Le pantin

Shutter with flowers and jumping jack Versailles
VDP couldn't resist this sweet scene in Saint-Louis neighbourhood. The building is gorgeous... and shabby. Nothing new on the Internet access, VDP is going to go crazy sooner or later without it... Thank you to those of you who still visit and take the time to comment.

VDP n'a pas pu résister à cette adorable scène dans le quartier Saint-Louis. L'immeuble est magnifique mais aurait besoin d'un lifting... Rien de nouveau au regard de l'accès Internet, VDP est en sevrage ! Merci à celles et ceux qui viennent malgré tout rendre visite à ce blog et prennent le temps de commenter.
Ornate façade Versailles


  1. Now that little knick-knack is adorable.

  2. Belle façade, tout mignon le pantin!

  3. Here's hoping you get Internet access reestablished soon.

  4. Such a cute little clown! I too would go crazy without internet access, Ciel.

  5. I remember coming across a little toy like this a month or two ago.

  6. I do like that little clown.

  7. Oui! 'Tis indeed a fine structure but needs a bit of TLC. Love you photo - esp. that jumping jack. I wonder if that has any special symbolic meaning...

    Not to worry, the Internet will find you again!

  8. It is the personal touches on houses and in gardens that helps to make France special. One can see them in the most unexpected places.

    My sympathies with you internet access. Currently ours is a a permeant problem. My husband promises to rebuild our network today ….. something to do with wireless versus cable.

    Bon weekend

  9. Amazing what a little color will do.

    Hang in there.

  10. Fab building and a very nice detail shot

  11. What an interesting place. Good luck with the internet.

  12. Anonymous16/8/14 10:39

    That's a very impressive facade... and the colourful clown adds real character. Good luck with your internet, that kind of thing is a real 21st century pain!

  13. Hey, this is very very nice !
    Ein paar Tage ohne Internet? Du Glückliche, genieße die stressfreien Tage :-)

  14. My router has been more dead than alive all week.

  15. I like how the red in the planter box is similar to the red in the jumpingjack.

  16. What a cute little detail you found.

  17. No means for a wireless (gsm) backup? I suppose that would be rather pricey.

    Shabby chic is magic to my eyes ...

  18. Another kind of detail I like very much...

  19. Details are often a lot of fun.
    Patience, patience! :-)

  20. I like sweet individual touches. Very nice. MB

  21. Anonymous16/8/14 21:40

    Very cute and colorful!

    Sorry to hear about your Internet. That would never 'fly' over here - there'd be a huge uproar by the provider's customers.

    But I'm guessing you've got a good stash of books to read for times like this. :)

    Hope your weekend is enjoyable in every other way.


  22. Well I can see how totally irresistible this first image would be for VDP :)


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