Sunday 10 August 2014

Petite dépendance ?

Overgrown vine building Versailles
This little building VDP believes to be part of yesterday's house!

VDP pense que c'est une petite dépendance de la maison d'hier...


  1. Looks interesting but if it were here there would be bees and snakes in that growth.

  2. The architecture and roofing materials make me think you are right.

  3. It looks like a sweet little place!

  4. This doth pique my interest...would love to see what it was all about. I've always had a sentimental thing about vine-covered houses until we finally got one on the east side of Ocala. Those damn vines were awful...they stuck to the stucco and when you pulled them off, the stucco came along; they were full of bugs and pests. Looked nice, though. :)

  5. A very nice place! I really liked Lowell's comment about the lovely vines...

  6. How fortunate to have a little dependence. ;-)

  7. What an interesting roof line.

  8. It certainly looks to be the same architectural style Ciel.. by Jove I think you may be right :)

  9. Petite mais superbe !

    bon dimanche ;o)

  10. I like this view best.

  11. Anonymous10/8/14 18:54

    And very nicely portrayed it is too!

  12. Cute. Where are all the little munchkins that must live there. MB

  13. Lovely! Great composition too, Ciel.

    Sorry I've not been commenting lately but a tendinitis (shoulder + elbow) is forcing me to stay away from the keyboard as much as possible - repeated movements of the arm is all I have to avoid...

  14. Etwas eingewachsen, aber drinnen muss es sehr nett sein.

  15. I like the shape of the roof and the shingles used too.


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Merci de votre visite très appréciée et de laisser une pensée ! Désolée de devoir modérer vos commentaires, VDP en a un peu marre des spammeurs en ce moment !