Tuesday 8 July 2014

Le rhinocéros, le burger africain et le fondant au chocolat

O'Maquis restaurant africain Versailles
Isn't the bar at O'Maquis restaurant something else? VDP loooooooves it! The African themed burger (with spicy sauce, avocado, pineapple) was delicious, as was the chocolate fondant topped with coconut ice-cream. VDP will have to return to try out all the other more African dishes as this was a set menu for the group!

Il n'est pas top le bar d'O'Maquis ? VDP adooooooore ! Le burger africain (avec sauce épicée, avocat, ananas) était délicieux, tout comme le fondant au chocolat surplombé de glace à la noix de coco. VDP va devoir y retourner pour goûter les autres plats certainement plus africains puisque du fait que nous étions nombreux, nous avions un menu négocié !

O'Maquis restaurant africain Versailles burger

O'Maquis restaurant africain Versailles


  1. I don't see how you could walk out of there with a HUGE stomach ache. I'm already woozy. :-)

  2. I want that dessert!

    It's quite an eclectic place.

  3. Hmmmm looks and sounds delicious to me!! I could use a visit to a place like that!!

  4. Oh how I wish I hadn't seen these photos before I ate dinner. Now I'm off to find a burger. That bar is fantastic. This looks like a really great place.

  5. I am not a red meat eater but the rest looks good.

  6. The cuisine doesn't exactly look African, based on my complete lack of first-hand experience, but that rhino is, as the French say, formidable.

  7. Définitivement une bonne addresse!
    Heureusement que le rhino ne mange pas de burger...

  8. Oh yes..the food looks really good! And your pictures make it look so tempting :)
    -- Houseboats of Srinagar

  9. Ton article tombe à point nommé ... depuis le temps que je veux aller déjeuner dans ce resto devant lequel je passe tous les jours ... Je suis du coup encore plus impatiente en voyant tes délicieuses photos.

  10. The coconut ice cream got my attention, that sounds (and looks) delicious.

  11. My sister- and brother-in-law would LOVE this place!

  12. What are my chances of getting a cool brew next to the rhinoceros?

  13. that bar is super cool and that food looks amazing!

  14. I'd definitely try the fondant au chocolat! Yum!!!

  15. I am sure everything is good...

  16. Oh that's cruel Ciel, I'm just off to bed and all I can think about is a burger and fries :)Avocado is the best topping ever, so good!

  17. je ne comprends pas comment tu craques sur un tel desert :_)

    je renouvelle ma demande d'invitation

  18. @ Bergson : ben quand est-ce que tu arrives ? :-)

  19. It's a good thing I just finished lunch or I would be starving after seeing these pics.

  20. Anonymous9/7/14 17:31

    Win win, all round!


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