Monday 30 June 2014

Essai !

tournoi 7 de coeur Versailles rugby
So yesterday was the big stroll and VDP didn't go (though it has to be said that the parade seems to have been wonderful if VDP is to believe the photos seen on Facebook!) Instead, VDP took herself off to Porchefontaine stadium. Now you probably don't know that VDP abhors football (a.k.a. soccer) but has been a rugby union fan since the 1970s (and that dates her a bit!) You can imagine how happy she was here, watching the "7 of heart" tournament which is organised for charitable purposes, raising money for excellent causes such as researching Kabuki syndrome, helping children with AIDS, rugby for autist and mentally and physically handicapped children, clowns to brighten up children's hospital wards... Now this wasn't the famous Hong Kong Sevens tournament but there were tries and action! VDP loves rugby sevens and enjoyed trying her hand at sports photography ! You can find more information on this noble cause here (in English!)

Hier c'était donc la grande déambulation et VDP n'y est pas allée (mais a vu les photos de la parade sur Facebook, ça avait l'air top !) VDP s'est, en revanche, rendue au stade de Porchefontaine. Vous ne savez sans doute pas que VDP abhorre le football mais est une fan de rugby depuis les années 1970 (et ça ne la rajeunit pas...) Vous imaginerez donc sans difficulté qu'elle fut très heureuse de pouvoir assister à quelques matches du "tournoi 7 de cœur", le rugby caritatif ! Le tournoi est organisé pour recueillir des sous pour plein de bonnes causes, telles que la lutte contre le syndrome Kabuki, l'association Sol en Si, le rugby pour les enfants autistes, handicapés mentaux ou moteurs, les clowns pour les hôpitaux etc. Alors certes, ce n'était pas le tournoi des Hong Kong Sevens, mais VDP adore le rugby à 7 et a passé un excellent moment à tenter de prendre des photos ! Le site web du tournoi 7 de cœur, c'est par ici et vous pouvez le retrouver sur Facebook par là !
tournoi 7 de coeur rugby Versailles
alt="tournoi 7 de coeur rugby Versailles"
tournoi 7 de coeur rugby Versailles
tournoi 7 de coeur rugby Versailles
7 de coeur rugby Versailles stade de porchefontaine
tournoi 7 de coeur Versailles pom pom girls cheerleaders


  1. beau reportage (bien le final, tres bien), et les sportifs ont très souvent un très gros cœur et sont present dans les œuvres caritatives.
    Bon moi je prefere le foot us au rugby ;))

  2. Dynamic, nicely shot action, Ciel!

    I've only seen rugby in the odd television or movie clip, but it does strike me as much more interesting than football/soccer or American football.

  3. Great, colorful action shots they are indeed, Ciel!! Looks a fun day! Definitely looks more interesting than US football as far as I'm concerned! Hope you have a great new week and that you're feeling better!

  4. Looks like you enjoyed your day.

  5. Love rugby? This has been a well kept secret, Ciel. If I had twenty guesses, I might not have guesses it. But, you do have a future in sports photography.

  6. Good job on the sports shots. Lot's there for the ladies to admire and one shot for the guys. Nice going.

  7. Your shots are fabulous, Ciel! I know nothing about rugby at all. ;-)

  8. Good capture of the color and action. You can find plenty of soccer/football here (Bosnia's star player in the WC lives in St. Louis and played for St. Louis University) but there is no professional rugby. Just some amateur club leagues.

    But American-style cheerleaders?

  9. Tres bien trouve ce nom "7 de coeur."
    Des photos super reussies et je me joins aux compliments d'Olivier ce qui n'est pas peu.

  10. @ Bob: I beg to differ! The USA takes part in the IRB world cup and I very much doubt that now that rugby union has gone professional (it was an amateur game until very late in the XXth century), they do it for free...

  11. Lots of action and muscles! We're not in the palace anymore!

  12. Anonymous30/6/14 10:09

    Can't beat a good scrummage! ;-)

  13. It sounds like a wonderful event for great causes. I've never watched a rugby match, maybe because our local matchs do not offer cheerleaders.

  14. Hmmm... I've never gotten into rugby, but I do like (European) football. I think this tournament is a great idea though. A great way to raise money and awareness for a good cause. :)

  15. Nice shots! Even the dynamic ones :)


  17. WOW!
    There are cheerleaders? Any close-ups?

  18. Big men in small shorts... what's not to like Ciel, I particularly enjoyed image number five :) Bravo, super sports shots.

  19. The cheerleaders were a bit of a surprise, not your usual pitch side little extras... :-)

  20. Great action series, Ciel !
    Da ich aber von Rugby nichts verstehe, gefällt mir das letze Foto am besten... ;)

  21. Hey good action shots. and cheerleaders in high heels---neato. MB

  22. Well that does look like fun. And for a good cause... even better. Yes, perhaps sports photography could be your new career !

  23. super photos and rugby makes me think of jane!

  24. Not a great fan of football, but rugby is completely alien to me. Impressive pictures, obviously my favorite is the last one!

  25. I know very little about rugby. I wonder why it has never become popular here in Canada. Truth be told, soccer has become popular here only recently.

  26. Rugby is a little bit too much for me but soccer I can enjoy - every once in a while.

  27. your photos are so colorful and wonderful!


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