Saturday 17 May 2014

Les Houblons

Designed by architect Léon Bachelin, this is a fine example of the enamelled stoneware decoration on houses that was very much 'en vogue' during the beginning of the XXth century. Most of the buildings like this one, called 'the hops' (VDP doesn't know why hop flowers were chosen) are located in Montreuil and Clagny neighbourhoods, not so this one, which sits in a street not very far from the town hall...

Léon Bachelin, architecte, nous a laissé ce bel exemple de la décoration d'immeuble en grès émaillé très en vogue au début du XXè siècle. On s'attendrait à trouver cette maison plutôt à Montreuil ou à Clagny et à ce qu'elle soit construite en meulière, mais non, ce sont des briques et elle se situe rue de l'Assemblée Nationale, tout près de la mairie... Pourquoi les fleurs de houblon ? Aucune idée... Un article intéressant à lire dans Côté Yvelines sur le sujet par ici !


  1. I like all of these intricate designs.

  2. I love this. There is so much to see in the designs.

  3. Oh, yes, I love these!! Beautiful designs indeed! Thanks for sharing! Hope you have a great weekend, Ciel!

  4. It's a beautiful building made more so by the enameled stoneware decorations. I don't know anything about hop flowers, though. Maybe they're what a bunny rabbit eats? :)

  5. A pretty design. Very appealing to the eye.

  6. I guess he really liked his beer. In any case, I love this architecture.

  7. I tink the enameled stoneware looks great on this yellow-brick building trimmed in terracotta.

  8. In 1920s, Frank Lloyd Wright designed a house in Los Angeles in which he used decorations inpired by the hollyhock (mauve). The house is now known as the Hollyhock House.

  9. Dear Ciel,

    You are so funny! You needn't worry about gators. They only eat once a month so when you see one you ask when it last had a meal. If it was just last week, you're good to go and it won't bother you. Simple, right?

  10. My kind of details, really love that first shot!

  11. Love the design and placement of the colored bricks.

  12. I love this style. So nice. MB

  13. such a beautiful building ~

  14. These are marvelous, Ciel. I don't think art nouveau would work at my places, but I love seeing it.


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