Friday 31 January 2014

Cinq ans ! Vous tentez votre chance ?

Today VDP is five years old. On its first birthday, I showed you a delightful antiques shop window: it was here. This photo was taken round about the same time, perhaps even on the same day. VDP has kept it all this time because she loves everything about this display. This Saint-Louis neighbourhood antiques shop still exists, by the way. Never ever would I have imagined that I'd last five years in this 'business' but it's still a lot of fun despite some downs! Thank you all for your support! Without you, there would be no point in continuing!

Aujourd'hui VDP a cinq ans. Lors de son premier anniversaire, je vous avais montré une superbe vitrine d'antiquaire, c'était ici. Cette photo avait été prise à peu près en même temps, voire le même jour. VDP l'a toujours gardée jalousement pour soi parce qu'elle l'adore. Cet antiquaire du quartier Saint-Louis existe encore. Jamais je n'aurais imaginé tenir cinq ans, mais je m'éclate toujours autant malgré quelques bas ! Merci à tous pour votre soutien ! Sans vous, il n'y aurait pas de raison de continuer !
In 2011, VDP celebrated by thanking its regular readers. The winner of its prize draw were Cezar and Léia. Here's your chance to win one of the little prizes below. Read the prize draw rules (they are here and it'll only take a sec') and leave a comment on this post before midnight CET on 4 February. Good luck!

En 2011, VDP avait célébré son anniversaire en remerciant ses lecteurs fidèles. Les gagnants de son jeu avaient été Cezar et Léia. Cette année, tentez votre chance pour gagner l'un des petits lots ci-dessous. Lisez les règles du jeu (elles sont ici et ça prend 10 secondes) et laissez un commentaire sur ce billet avant minuit (HNEC) le 4 février. Bonne chance !

1st prize, a cotton shopping bag (15"x16") sporting a Versailles Le Nôtre year design (remember 2013 was Le Nôtre year?)
1er prix, un sac de courses en coton (38x40 cm) pour se remémorer que 2013 était l'année Le Nôtre.

2nd prize, a little Hall of Mirrors notebook from the palace, held here in my hand to show you its size.
2ème prix, un petit carnet de la galerie des glaces tenu ici dans ma main pour vous montrer sa taille.

3rd prize, a Hall of Mirrors bookmark, also from the palace.
3ème prix, un marque-pages, également de la galerie des glaces.


  1. Oh, congratulations indeed, Ciel!! I do enjoy your blog/posts/photos SO much!! We've been blogging for the same length of time!! It has been and it is still fun! Celebrate and have a great weekend!!

  2. Huge congratulations Ciel such a wonderful achievement. I know that I for one have enjoyed visiting the beautiful Versailles through your lens each day making me more determined for an encore visit soon. Happy celebrations!

  3. Congrats on your achievement! Blogging can be such an enjoyable thing. "Meeting" people throughout the world, via the computer, can be quite fun!

  4. Congratulations, Ciel! I have only recently discovered your blog but love visiting each day. My 4th blog birthday comes up in March and like you I find it hard to believe how much I still enjoy it. It is like an escape from real life and a journey around the world each day!

  5. Five years is a remarkable achievement, Ciel! Congratulations. Having had now followed you a few months, I look forward to seeing your posts and this part of France that I'd love to see for myself someday.

    That antique shop is very appealing!

  6. A lovely shot of this lovely antique shop. I can see why it's one of your favorite places.

    And a special congrats on your five years of sharing photos of your very special city!

  7. And you give us a gorgeous image to celebrate the event. Congratulations on your perseverance and creativity.

    By coincidence, Friday is my 2,500th post. Will the madness ever end?

  8. Joyeux cinquième anniversaire! Blogging is very hard and it takes patience and devotion but the reward is pretty amazing as you get to meet some incredible people.

  9. Happy Anniversary! You blog is always a daily treat for me. Looking forward to another year of wonderful photos.

  10. Anonymous31/1/14 06:11

    That is quite an achievement - a sincere congratulations to you!


  11. Bon anniversaire! Tout argente!

    You have made a very nice and interesting blog!

  13. Five years , congratulations and lovely prizes too.

  14. même si je suis moins présent en ce moment, il y a des événements qui ne se ratent pas...UN JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE A VDP et une bonne continuité

  15. Congratulations ! I'm coming up on my one year anniversary and I don't know whether to be inspired or depressed. At the outset I wasn't sure I'd make it a year! Anyway, celebrate your accomplishment... you deserve it !

  16. Versailles Daily Photo is clearly a labor of love and we love you, Ciel, for making your beautiful surroundings known to the blogging world.
    Keep up your good work. Happy anniversary, mazal tov!

  17. What a crazy world ! People are congratulating for a blog birthday. Are we mad or are all these persons just stroken by loneliness ?


  18. It's amazing how time flies. "Lisbon and the Sunny Coast" was 5 years old in August last year and I only realized it much later... LOL! It's been a pleasure following VDP and congratulations on the good work, Ciel.

  19. Congratulations and may you continue to "wow" your followers for the next years.

  20. Ciel- The last time I visited Versailles I didn't plan to visit you. After knowing your blog I hope to correct that error the next time I visit your city.

    Thank you-

  21. Anonymous31/1/14 14:19

    Well done and congratulations, five years blogging is a L O N G time!

  22. Five years! That is pretty exciting, isn't it? And today you honor your viewers with a lovely photo of a fine shop that seems typical of the elegant city of Versailles.

  23. Cinq ans un mandat présidentiel !!

    Bonne continuation

    longue vie à VDP

  24. Happy Birthday VDP! Keep up the great work, Ciel!

  25. Way to go Ceil! I have been following you for quite a while and enjoy your posts.

  26. Happy blogiversary! I know what you mean about it being hard sometimes, but I'm glad you've seen it through. I love seeing Versailles through your eyes. :)

  27. Without a doubt wonderful dishes, a work of art!

  28. Has it been that long? Have I known you that long?? OMG!!! I have been here for 6 years this month.
    The antique shop is lovely. Did you know I opened a corner at an antique/collectible store? Well I did. I could stand there and be an antique myself--maybe I will.. LOL

  29. first of all, happy birthday vdp!! wow, it's amazing isn't it how quickly time flies when you document it like this!! i've so enjoyed my visits here! and i too love that display...what a great color combo that is! so simple, so elegant!

  30. Happy anniversary. I enjoy your daily photo of Versailles. It is a gorgeous place. I love the little prizes.

  31. I am not sure whether my first comment was published so I am trying again. Happy anniversary and hope to see many more years of VDP.

  32. Hi Ciel, Congratulations to the Cinq ans of your blog!
    Bin schon gespannt, was in den nächsten 5 Jahre kommt!

  33. WE love VDP <3 felicitations !!!!! <3
    ** we are waiting your visit here in Luxembourg!!!!
    Leia :)

  34. Fabulous achievement. I don't know haw you have the stamina and organization to keep it up. Of course, it helps to live in a gorgeous, charming city in France. That helps a little. Congratulations, girl, I'm in awe.

  35. Congratulation on your achievement! Five years is a big one, for sure. You have plenty on offer here...think I had better follow you :).

  36. I'm still behind but catching up on post reading - big Congratulations on five years! Wow! That makes you a true sage in blogworld:) I've enjoyed all your daily glimpses & admire your stamina too. Some days I can barely hold it together to complete the workday! Here's to 5 more:)

  37. Vraiment sympa de célébrer cet anniversaire avec un give away :)bonne route à VDP

  38. Wow, five years that's fantastic! Really enjoy seeing Versailles through your posts. Happy Blogiversary!


Thank you for visiting and leaving a thought! Sorry about the moderation, a bit tired of spam at the moment!

Merci de votre visite très appréciée et de laisser une pensée ! Désolée de devoir modérer vos commentaires, VDP en a un peu marre des spammeurs en ce moment !