Wednesday 18 December 2013

Tissu et bougies

Very English bunting! No wonder, Ana Lulu is British and VDP loved her fabrics! She can be contacted here.

Très anglais, ces fanions ! Pas étonnant, Ana Lulu est britannique et VDP a adoré ses tissus ! Elle peut être contactée ici.

VDP's feed isn't updating again. Arggggghhhh.
Le flux RSS de VDP ne fonctionne de nouveau plus. M'éneeeeeeeerve.


Below, the simply lovely candles of 'au comptoir des anges' ('the angel's counter'), made by Polish Wanda, who came to Versailles all the way from Châteauroux and whose pretties can be bought here.

Ci-dessous, les très jolies bougies d'au comptoir des anges, faites main par Wanda la polonaise, venue de Châteauroux et dont toutes les créations sont vendues en ligne ici.


  1. It doesn't jump out as English to my American eyes but it's bright, festive and right for the season.

  2. I think bunting is coming back. I've seen lot of it lately. This looks like a fantastic shop!

  3. Chistmas is certainly the time for buying fancies and fripperies.

  4. Lots of special gifts and decorations to choose from!

  5. i love that just made me think i could do something similar with all my old christmas cards!

  6. I had to look up English bunting to find out exactly what you were talking about! :)) Well, now I know and I'm wondering why I haven't seen more of it here north of Toronto.

  7. Hard to find here, but not impossible!

  8. So are you buy buy buying? MB

  9. Ooh, I'd be tempted to pick up something here. So cheery - you are discovering so many treasures:) (Argh to feed glitches)

  10. I like the fabrics, especially the peace sign (60's flashback). My wife would love the candles.

  11. It's all very colorful and attractive but I think you'd have to be of the female persuasion to get the most benefit from such things! :)

  12. I am in love. They are so pretty.

  13. Very colourful!

    Blogger has a way of doing that with several blogs I follow. My writer's blog can take hours to turn up in my blog roll sometimes.

  14. Gosh, there are some creative people on the planet.
    I could easily have spent time and money here.
    Thanks for sharing.

  15. really cute decorations.


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Merci de votre visite très appréciée et de laisser une pensée ! Désolée de devoir modérer vos commentaires, VDP en a un peu marre des spammeurs en ce moment !