Tuesday 17 December 2013

Les délices de la mer

On Saturday, Emmanuel Lenoël left the coast of Normandy at 2:00 am to bring his ultra fresh seafood to the Christmas market! Oysters are traditional Christmas fare in France.
Oh and last week, VDP was surprised to receive an e-mail all the way from the Colville Indian Reservation in Washington! It was from the (rather good looking!) rider of the Indian Relay Race at Pendleton Round-Up which I had shown you here. VDP is now happy to be able to put a name on the champ': Tyler Peasley of the Omak Express Indian Relay!

Emmanuel Lenoël a quitté Pirou dans la Manche à 2 h du matin samedi pour approvisionner le marché de Noël en fruits de mer hyper frais ! Les crevettes grises n'ont pas fait long feu chez VDP ! Pour les livraisons, il peut être joint au 06 86 48 83 90 !
Ah et la semaine dernière, VDP a eu la surprise de recevoir un courriel depuis la réserve indienne Colville dans l'Etat de Washington, de la part du cavalier (beau gosse !) des courses de relais indiennes qu'elle vous avait montré ici. Il s'agissait du champion Tyler Peasley
de l'Omak Express Indian Relay. Sympa de pouvoir mettre un nom sur ce cavalier émérite ! Il fallait le voir sauter d'un cheval à l'autre, tout ça à cru !


  1. Tient il neige sur VDP ;)

    tu sais parler aux gourmands, ca donne envie ;)

  2. Ah, and I would love some of that seafood!! How fun to learn Tyler's name!! Enjoy your week!!

  3. I adore oysters and I bet these were delicious! (Also, very cool to receive that email info all the way round the world:)

  4. I would have to leave that, Ciel... I'm not fond of seafood!

  5. The lobster would be tasty!

  6. Can I get an order of lobster delivered to Amboise ?!

  7. Is he just that well named for the season, or is it a put-on?

  8. Oysters are very big down here in Florida and up there in New England, too, Ciel, but I have never developed a taste for them. But, I would be glad to sit there with you while you have some.

  9. Mettre de cote un homard... merci.

  10. Well how neat to get an email from a good looking rider. What else did you talk about? Inquiring minds need to know. MB

  11. I would like to try oysters now. When I was a kid I tried it once and I remember I liked it! :) Congratulations to Tyler Peasley!

  12. @ Bob: glad someone noticed, no it is his real name!

  13. The "r" months are in full swing. Oyster time!!! :D

  14. Now, that is what you call fresh!

  15. emmanuel is very dedicated! oh, i could go for some fresh oysters, well not right this minute because it is only 7:30 in the morning here...but later :) how neat to get an email from the rider!

  16. Nice to meet you, Tyler Peasley (I checked the link). This guy's name is really Emmanuel Lenoël?

  17. Is that a real name, do you think? Emmanuel Lenoel? Sounds like the Noel song, "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel"! :)

    We have friends that make oyster stuffing in the turkey on Xmas day. I refrain from such an indulgence and wait for the pies.

    What a nice email you received! It's always good to put a face with a memory. Harder to do that as you get old. :))

  18. Okay, I should have read the comments first! Not his real name. What is his real name. And don't say Norman Day. ;)

  19. quel recette nous proposes tu pour le homard ?

  20. I usually think of Brittany when I see fresh seafood like this. I bet his is just as good.

  21. My mouth is watering now! :-)

  22. I never developed a taste for oysters, but most other things that swim I like a lot. I love the candid photo of the workers.

  23. I have had the glorious luck to have Normandy oysters in Normandy. Opened on the spot and enjoyed like a fine wine.

    That taste will never be forgotten.

    Lucky me.


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