Sunday 15 December 2013

Au carré à l'avoine, hier, ça sentait bon Noël !

Ladies and gents, whether you like it or not, you are in for Christmas! Yesterday afternoon VDP went to Saint-Louis neighbourhood's tiny but atmospheric Christmas market and... er... umm... took a lot of photos! These are just the beginning! Those of you who are in the area can still check it out today!

Mesdames et messieurs, que vous le veuillez ou non, VDP va fêter Noël. Elle s'est rendue hier au petit marché de Noël à Saint-Louis. Petit par la taille mais grand par l'ambiance ! VDP a pris beaucoup, beaucoup de photos, ce n'est que le début ! Pour ceux qui sont dans le coin, vous pouvez encore en profiter aujourd'hui jusqu'à 18 heures ! Allez-y, c'est super sympa et il y a tout plein de petites idées cadeau !


  1. Ein ganz bezaubernder kleiner und sehr charmanter Weihnachtsmarkt, danke für diesen kleinen Abendbummel.

  2. I love places like this!! Fun place to shop for the holidays!! Wish I were there!! Hope your weekend is going well, Ciel!! Enjoy!

  3. I have been too busy to get to the Christmas market here and it closes tomorrow. Looking forward to your pics!

  4. I've been busy lately taking Christmas related pics, wondering when I can schedule them in...

    These shots look lovely, Ciel!

  5. I also love a winter market. A photographer's dream.

  6. I bet there are great finds in there. Merry Christmas :)

  7. Looks like a great event. I need something like that to get me in the mood this year.

  8. ADorable pictures, I like the lights in your first image, it's magical!

  9. Sorry, not in the area, but I would really like to be there...

  10. Dear Ciel - so nice to hear from you! Thanks for coming by L & L! I have no problem imagining how you enjoyed this Christmas market...from your photos it doth appear very colorful and full of delightful Christmas artifacts!

    We went to a Christmas party last night. The hosts are a little nuts. The entire house was filled with a variety of Christmas stuff...including six (count 'em, SIX) Christmas trees fully decorated.

    Hope you are well and we wish you a wonderful holiday season!

  11. Enjoy the season... every day.

  12. A Christ market--how delightful. I bet you had a wonderful time. MB

  13. I like it, I like it, the market and Christmas, so this is a double bonus!

  14. In my book, there is no such thing as too many Christmas market photos, Ciel.

  15. We could use a Christmas market here, may we borrow yours? It looks fabulous (and so true, one can never have too many market shots)!

  16. I'm ready to enjoy some Christmas photos, Ciel. Bring 'em on!

  17. Oh, that would be so enjoyable!


  18. Schöne weihnachtliche Atmosphäre!


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