Thursday 21 November 2013

Monsieur Bresnu

Meet Monsieur Bresnu, the cheesemonger of Montreuil high street. You've seen his wonderful cheese shop before here and here but this time he is in the picture! Isn't the autumn decoration lovely?

VDP vous présente Monsieur Bresnu, le fromager de la crèmerie de Montreuil. Vous aviez déjà vu la devanture de sa formidable boutique ici et ici mais cette fois-ci, il est sur la photo ! Elle n'est pas jolie la déco d'automne ?

The cheese is a delight! From left to right on VDP's cheese platter: tomme de Savoie, Montbriac, Pouligny Saint Pierre goat's cheese and in the front, Laguiole.

Le fromage est divin: tomme de Savoie, Montbriac, Pouligny Saint Pierre et Laguiole composent le plateau de VDP...


  1. Ah, Just my kind of place!! And now I'm HUNGRY!!! But it's only 3 PAM, so guess I'd better wait!! Fun, tasty post for the day, Ciel!! Hope your week is going well!

  2. Cheese, of course, is one of life's great pleasures!

  3. This man takes his fromage very seriously. Part of the art of being French.

  4. I think if this man recommended a certain cheese I would take his word for it.

  5. A place that I would love to shop!He looks to be a very nice person, so cool to see him in your picture!

  6. Long live the cheese, the cheesemakers, the sellers, the farmers, and the sheep, goats, and cows.

  7. I am glad to be back in the land of good cheeses. M. Bresnu look pretty serious about cheese!

  8. It looks like a wonderful place to buy cheese. And his displays are very cool.

  9. Monsieur Bresnu runs a fantastic looking shop!

  10. Oh niiiiice! M Bresnu has a tres delicious display here, both cheeses et decorations!

  11. un magasin que je dois malheureusement éviter

  12. Greetings Monsieur Bresnu, thank you for sharing your wonderful shop with us. It's got lots of interesting things to explore

  13. Great shop and Monsieur Bresnu is really perfect for the role. I know you do not watch TV, but please check Google image for 'lieutenant Provenza', it is a character from The Closer TV series...

  14. What a lovely shop! I know it would be one of my favorites. :-)


  15. Yummy Yummy Yummy!!!
    Bob and I were just talking about going to a real cheese shop and trying new--to us--and different cheeses. We have so much to learn.

  16. I'm pleased to meet Monsieur Bresnu and I'd love to sample some of his cheese.


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