Saturday 19 October 2013

Devant la chapelle royale

Standing in front of the royal chapel inside the palace. If you would like to experience François Couperin's music, watch my (not so good, especially the sound) video by clicking here! Oh and there's a third shot on Artsy Versailles today, which turned out kind of cool!

Pour écouter un air du 13ème concert de François Couperin, faites un tour sur ma vidéo (pas très bonne, surtout pas le son) en cliquant ici ! Ah et il y a une troisième photo sur Artsy Versailles aujourd'hui, je l'ai cru ratée mais finalement je la trouve plutôt bien !


  1. Such a beautiful place! Love your photos! I couldn't get the video to play, would have loved to have heard the music -- probably just me or my computer??? I'll try again later! Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. I would like to experience the music of Francois Couperin in such a beautiful setting, but at the moment the family is watching our Cardinals (very unlike your palace's cardinals) playing Los Angeles in the baseball playoff semifinals.

  3. The setting is out of this world, and the costumes are perfect. Sign me up for the next concert!

    My trip took 3-1/2 days, which is pretty leisurely. I wasn't in a big hurry. Some people start out at 4 a.m. and can be there by midnight on the same day. Those people are nuts.

  4. Oooh, I haven't heard Couperin's music in a looong time. Off to check it out! Also love the brilliant captures, those costumes!

  5. I love violin music.

  6. Wow, you put on quite a show today. Links to history, to a music video, and an artsy photo ! Thanks ! I enjoyed all of it.

  7. What a great opportunity to enjoy this wonderful concert!
    Love your pictures!

  8. Very lovely ladies in that magnificent never ceases to amaze me. I shall go listen to the music now and watch your "not so good" video. :)

  9. It must have been wonderful to experience the music in such a magnificent place as that! Lovely costumes the ladies are wearing.


  10. I only know Couperin for the piece by Ravel... Nice video and great photos, the sound is just enough to appreciate quite well the music.

  11. Beautiful costumes the ladies are wearing.

    Re your comment on CVD, it does look like a stiletto.

  12. The violinist looks so pretty in the colour red!

  13. The perfect setting Ciel, must have been such a pleasure to see and hear.


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