Sunday 20 October 2013

Dans la galerie des glaces

Moving into the famous hall of mirrors, musicians and dancers made VDP time-travel! They were introduced by this courtesan below. You may want to watch this video (filmed by someone else), the tune is by Marin Marais! Oh and following yesterday's post, anyone wanting to listen to a (recent) concert in the royal chapel can click here until 19 October 2014.

Nous voici dans la fameuse galerie des glaces où musiciens et danseuses ont fait remonter VDP dans le temps ! Le narrateur était le courtisan ci-dessous. Vous aurez peut-être envie de regarder cette vidéo (filmée par quelqu'un d'autre), l'air est de Marin Marais. Ah, comme suite au billet d'hier, si vous souhaitez regarder un concert à la chapelle royale, c'est par ici (disponible jusqu'au 19 octobre 2014).


  1. Such wonderful captures and it's like stepping back in time!! Wonderful! Thanks for sharing, Ciel!! And thanks, too, for information you've included! Hope your weekend is going well!

  2. Such elegance! The only men around here with such a coiffure haven't seen a barber in years.

  3. Wonderfully warm Sylvia mentioned, it's rather like traveling back in time. The palace is so...well, palatial!

    The music...well, I'm a commoner. If it's got some acoustic guitars, drums, and a steel guitar I'll prob'ly like it! :)

  4. You would love The Tea Plantation Gift & Flower Shop. If you even come this way, we'll take you there to prove it!

  5. These are SO beautiful. You are lucky.

  6. How elegant! I loved hearing the bagpipe in the short video you included. Now I'm listening to the concert. Wonderful performance!

    As for Cunningham Cabin... I very much like your image. You captured the beautiful fall colors AND the Tetons are visible in your image (unlike mine)! :-)

    Hope you're having a great weekend,


  7. Glad that you enjoy this event! Your pictures are great!

  8. Wonderful and interesting series, Ciel, thanks for showing us these photos!

  9. Ah...perhaps "she" could move to France. The French might know what to do with her. I'm thinking guillotine? ;)

  10. I must agree with BC. Catching up on your latest images.

  11. An unusual set of pictures...

  12. I loooved the video.. again a bit like a dream sequence the way she filmed it, wonderful colour.

  13. Yes it does seem like you travelled back in time.

  14. That video brought the time travel effect full circle! Love the women's dresses and the sound of the instruments - are they playing on historic instruments, I wonder.


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