Monday 20 May 2013

Cortège de mariage devant les petites écuries du roi

It is, of course, wedding season, here in front of the king's small stables. You cannot miss them as they honk like mad!


  1. Is there a fee to conduct a wedding on the premises? Maybe there should be a fee for making too much noise?

    Looks like a fun place for a wedding. Do you know the make of the lead car...I've not seen one like it?

  2. Sounds like fun to me!

  3. I can't even remember the last time I went to a wedding.

  4. Looks like everyone is having a great time, I'm sure it will be on social networking before the engine is idle.

  5. The last wedding I went to was my son's 2 years ago. I do have a friend getting married in July :)

  6. That's a Rolls Royce in the lead :-)

  7. The stables may be an inauspicious way to start married life. That journey is often difficult, but at least this couple are starting it in style.

  8. Oh, sounds like fun to me, too!! Just arrived in Portland and can't wait for life to get back to whatever is "normal" for me!!

  9. Great post for the day!! I've arrived in Portland, but having some trouble adopting to a different computer set up????! Hope you have a great week, Ciel!

  10. A wedding here, with all of the grandeur and beauty of Versailles, and the fancy car (a Rolls or Bentley?) . . . what a memory maker!

  11. Haha, I like that honking madly is universally associated with weddings - they must make themselves heard! Beautiful buildings too.

  12. Vu les voitures, c'était au moins un mariage princier.

  13. A very relevant subject as the marriage bill is a high topic at the moment here in the UK ! !. Some very interesting facts always emerge from these debates.

  14. O la la, very impressive!

  15. Anonymous20/5/13 11:57

    The stables lend the occasion a very regal looking backdrop!

  16. A happy moment, feeling of weekend for sure!

  17. Very lovely spot for a wedding, can you just imagine the wedding photo's Ciel, tres joli for sure :)

  18. Weddings are much fun; haven't been to one for over a year tho.

  19. @ all: the stables weren't the venue, the cortège was merely passing in front of them!

  20. Maybe if you crossed an A. robin with an E. Robin you would get a little fat rusty bird that looked like Santa Claus. Chubby. LOL
    Maybe we shouldn't come to Paris if all it ever does is RAIN. We are having such pretty sunny and warm (for us) days. High 60s F low 70s F. Would that be 20C?
    Anyway would I get married in Paris in the rain? Dunno!
    How is your Heart? MB

  21. Last month I missed a wedding motorcade made of Harley-Davidsons...

  22. Such a celebration! Honking horns announcing the start of a new adventure. :)

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. A lot of people have a great wedding but a not so great marriage. It was the opposite in my case. I hope this couple has the best of both. :-)

  25. It is a Bentley - but they are made by Rolls Royce so in one sense it is both.

  26. My last comment was in error - info on Bentleys is here


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