Monday 4 February 2013

La du Barry, Jean-François Ducis et du thé

While you are having tea at Lambinet Museum, you are watched by a bust of Jean-François Ducis (1733-1816), a Versailles born poet, sculpted by Nicolas-Bernard Raggi. Also looking at you is Madame du Barry, the last mistress en titre of Louis XV, painted by Eugénie-Françoise Tripier-Lefranc (1803-1872). She copied an original painting by her aunt, Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Le Brun. You might know the latter best for her famous rendition of Marie-Antoinette... Now sip your tea. It's from Dammann Frères, who were the exclusive tea importers in France from 1692 as wished by Louis XVI.

Pendant que vous dégustez votre thé au Musée Lambinet, un buste du poète Jean-François Ducis, né à Versailles (1733-1816) et exécuté par Nicolas-Bernard Raggi vous surplombe. Vous êtes pareillement observé par Madame du Barry, la dernière favorite de Louis XV, peinte par Eugénie-Françoise Tripier-Lefranc (1803-1872) qui a copié l'original de sa tante Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Le Brun, que vous connaissez peut-être mieux comme étant l'auteur d'un portrait célèbre de Marie-Antoinette... Maintenant, sirotez votre thé. Il vient de chez Dammann Frères, société à laquelle Louis XVI accorda l'exclusivité de l'importation du thé en France en 1692.


  1. Having tea here on your blog is the next best thing to being in Paris!! Hope you've had a great weekend, Ciel, and that you're ready for a new week! Enjoy -- I just did!!

  2. This is a very elegant setting for tea. We must go there when I visit you.

  3. Si j'ai bien compris on peut meme y aller seul et se sentir en bonne compagnie!

  4. How I would love a sip of that tea, and in such divine settings, sigh.
    Even better surrounded by such a cast of characters, especially the (in)famous Madame du Barry!:)

  5. Art on the walls and table. Which did you find more pleasing?

  6. Nothing like art and tea.

  7. Quite the lineage for everyone and everything mentioned in your post. Elegant setting to sip your tea.

  8. J'adore l'ambiance, c'est `tres charmante! :)

  9. peut on entendre leurs conversations ?

  10. Hmmm, I'm not fond of the thought of being watched, but I might be able to overlook that to be a part of such history.

  11. he looks like he will have no goofing off going on!
    beautiful and historic setting!

  12. Love this post Ciel, a cup of tea was never more interesting!

  13. Wonderful who's watching over you while you sip your tea. I hope you and your mother lingered over your tea and enjoyed the environs.

  14. I'm sipping. I'm sipping. Everybody is staring at me. MB

  15. Love everything you showed us, except the tea itself, but I can eat something watching the artworks!

  16. I wonder what Madame Du Barry is thinking as she sits there watching people sip their tea.

  17. WOW! To drink tea in such important company!

  18. Jean-Francois and Mme du Barry may be able to curb their appetites, but I would finish the pastries in a flash. You shouldn't have shown them....


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