Saturday 3 November 2012

Vol au-dessus de Versailles !!

I'd forgotten about this photo, taken about two weeks ago. Geese flying over Versailles!!! I was so surprised it took me a second to react, they were almost gone by the time I took the photo. The strange things on the left Christmas lights on a lamp post...

J'avais oublié cette photo, prise il y a environ quinze jours. J'étais tellement surprise qu'il m'a fallu un moment pour réagir et j'ai failli les louper ! Les trucs bizarres à gauche sont les loupiotes de Noël sur un lampadaire...


  1. Anonymous3/11/12 00:24

    Schön, wenn mal selbst so ganz ohne Licht fliegen kann, und auch noch weiß wohin. Melancholisch schön das Bild.

    Ein gutes Wochenende dir.

  2. It is hard to catch those shots, but you did a great job, Ciel! Interesting Christmas lights!!! Have a great weekend! Hope you get some sun!!

  3. I have missed some great shots due to my reacting too late. This is nice.

  4. Des grues sans doute, c'est la saison des migrations.

  5. ça fait un peu ambiance d'halloween, pour le coup...
    Problemes d'ordi, je rame..

  6. A strange and wonderful combination indeed.

  7. Fascinating, almost spooky photo. Last Sunday, on the first tee of the golf course, we saw a flock of Canadian geese fly over. I figured they were coming here to avoid the cold Canadian winter.

    Re the Xmas lights: the powers-that-be in your town are either really late or really early!

  8. Anonymous3/11/12 15:35

    i thought that was a tree!

  9. I musta misunderstood you about school. First mistake I ever made! :-)

    I used to tell my students that when they'd catch in an error. All they did was laugh. No respect at all!

    Re your question on Stone Creek: Yup! But some folks have done extensive redecoration, etc. to make their abode different.

  10. A least you got the shot... I can't wait to see the lights all lit up.

  11. You caught a nice little formation there Ciel, and isn't it a bit depressing to see Christmas stuff already, it's the same here!

  12. Wonderful silhouettes, this week has been strangely lacking in flying birds - it's so nice to see them here. Hope your weekends been a good one!

  13. Say it ain't so, Christmas lights? All the home improvement centers have their Christmas light displays going.

    Regardless, I like the silhouette of the lights, I hope you post a shot of them lit (hint, hint).

  14. It's sort of sad with all the gray, but I like this shot. :)

  15. Glad you made it, this is a really cool shot.


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