Friday 2 November 2012

L'automne au parc Balbi I

Autumn in Parc Balbi in Saint-Louis neighbourhood last Saturday.

Samedi dernier.


  1. It's such a beautiful selection for autumn - all the season's glorious colors, textures and variety! (Thank you so much for your kind comment, it's nice to be back:)

  2. What a lovely, colorful fall mosaic, Ciel! I love it and what a great way to wind down my day!! Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. It is a pretty selection of fall images, Ciel.

    White and gray are my preferred hair dyes.

  4. Nice montage of autumn. Lovely.

  5. Pretty selection of fall colors.

  6. Beautifully photographed and nicely presented!

  7. C'est bien l'automne et ce sont de bien jolies rencontres pour le plaisir des yeux.

  8. Your floreal Autumn is much more interesting than mine...

  9. That's a great collage, I love fall colors.

  10. de bien belles couleurs

  11. Great colours on this lovely mosaic.

  12. Marvellous autumn collage Ciel, isn't it scary that the seasons pass so quickly. I hope you are feeling much better these days, try to relax a bit this weekend.

  13. Superb collage. Love the colors and the variety of flowers & leaves with the different textures. This would make a great photo for framing and hanging!

  14. Whadaya mean you're going back to school on Monday? What school? Were you a bad driver and have to go to "driver's school"? ;-)

    My dad used to say that you need to know stuff so you should study. 'Cause the more you study the more you know. But the more you know the more you forget. So why study?


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