Saturday 24 November 2012

Jouer Versailles

Now you can play (or waste your money) Versailles style. For 3€ you can try and win 30 000€.

Pour 3€, tentez de gagner 30 000€...


  1. I'd rather not do either!! I like to feel my money in my pocket!! Have a fun weekend, Ciel!

  2. Seit ich Statistik in der Uni gehört habe, kann ich gar nicht verstehen, wie man da mitmachen kann.

    Ein wunderbares Wochenende dir.

  3. This should be only for those who find it a fun game, not a realistic strategy for needed income.

  4. You have to be in it to win it!!!!
    Or, is it just another way of taxing people? Essays to me by Monday please.

  5. I have heard that the odds of being struck by lightning in Florida are much better than those of winning the lottery.

    Is nothing sacred? Leave the Palais alone!

    The politicos instigated a state lottery about 20 plus years ago in Florida and now there are many additional incarnations. I figure I've saved about $10,000 by not playing the lottery!

  6. We have these here, but I don't play them!

  7. I'm in Lowell's corner on this one. We've made $$$$$ by not putting our fingers in.

  8. Yup I agree, better to spend that money on sharing company with a good cup of coffee!

  9. The only sure tax collection working here!

  10. A quand le Monopoly Versailles?

  11. Let's say that I have won 3€ by not playing. :)

  12. Are lotteries new to Versailles or are they putting a new 'spin' on an old game? In either case, I am with you, I'd rather not waster my money.

  13. Powerball will pay out $325 million to the winner of tonight's drawing. I bought a few tickets. I consider it an investment in imagination. "Should I buy a place in Paris when I win, or in Florence?"

  14. @ Woody: you can play anywhere in France I think. The lottery is national, it's merely a Versailles theme.

  15. C'est pas assez pour acheter le château !

  16. I've never been able to bring myself to purchase these, fun as it sounds (I too would prefer spending it on something yummy:)

  17. Bon il faut connaitre le ratio avant de jouer...


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