Sunday 14 October 2012

L'hôtel de ville

So were are back in Versailles! This is the town hall (which you have already seen several times though not from the side) photographed more or less around this time last year. Since I've been back, we've had nothing but grey and white skies and rain! Fresh (and wet) photos to come!

Nous voilà de retour à Versailles. Voici l'hôtel de ville (que vous avez déjà beaucoup vu mais jamais de côté) photographié plus ou moins à la même époque l'an passé. Depuis mon retour, nous n'avons eu que de la grisaille et de la pluie ! Photos fraîches (et mouillées) à venir !


  1. A beautiful town hall, Ciel, and a great capture! You did have beautiful skies when you took this, sorry your gray and grumpy ones are back! They're back here in Seattle, too!

  2. Welcome back. Tempted to turn around and go back?

  3. It looks like an amazing place. Bet it's expensive.

  4. Beautiful castle! Arianna

  5. Well, I have the feeling that since I've moved to Lux there's only been wet and grey...
    God bless you!

  6. It's a beautiful building!

  7. Beautiful town hall. I wish ours had that kind of classic architecture.

  8. The blue sky is beautiful, even if it's not recent. :)

  9. These buildings you post certainly a draw to this fabulous city. Welcome bacK.

  10. I remember the flower clock!

  11. This elaborate architectural style has been copied elsewhere, including the City Hall and huge Union Station in St. Louis, Missouri.

  12. Your weather sounds like our weather, rainy and cold. I like this angle, the blue sky is gorgeous.

  13. This is the rainy season but you've found a beautiful opening in the clouds here.

  14. Quite unlike Ocala's City Hall! I like this one better. Rain can make for good photos - just cover you camera! :-)

  15. I love to see the Hôtel de VIlle in different cities in France. Always over the top!

  16. You have a gorgeous town hall. It's a perfect photo to bring out on a rainy day (we've also been having many of those this week, alas!)


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