Wednesday 8 August 2012

Wednesday Doorway: numéro 5

Number 5. Note the shoe scraper.

Vous remarquerez le grattoir à chaussures.


  1. Great shot as always, Ciel! Love the shoe scraper, heaven knows we those in Seattle most of the year!! Hope your week is going well!

  2. "Je frappe au n° 5
    Je d'mande mam'selle Angè-leuh
    La concierge me répond :
    Mais quel métier fait-elle?
    Elle fait des pantalons
    Des jupes et des jupons
    Et des gilets de flanelle
    Elle fait des pantalons
    Des jupes et des jupons
    Et des bonnets de coton
    Ah - ah -ah - ah
    Je ne connais pas ce genre de métier
    Allez voir à côté"

  3. I like the shoe scraper! I think I need one of those here at the farm.

  4. It's a lovely shot, and special bonus with a shoe scraper! I could use one after the summer storms we've had :)

  5. I like the color of the house.

  6. Versailles has the most coolest doorways (grammar was never my strong point). I'd love to have that on the front of my house.

  7. Nice color of the house. Very simple doorway with a splash of different color.

  8. And I thought you have very strict dog leash laws in France.

    Trying to get back to the normal routine back at home.

  9. Olivier me fait sourire et m'a remis cette chanson dans la tête!ça fait une eternité que je n'avais plus vu de grattoir! Me demande si les jeunes savent encore ce que c'est..

  10. Elegant yet classic looking entrance. Noble family home?

  11. Must be a very old doorway! I've seen shoe scrapers on farms (very important if you've been working in a barn!) but not on city houses. :-)

    I like how the window detail matches the door, too.

  12. I think every doorway should have one Ciel. especially when a person spends all day vacuuming and then finds certain people have brought half the garden in with them!! Love the extra detailing above the door.

  13. ... and the iron bars on the windows. Sad!

  14. Shoe scrapers are so rare now!

  15. Sometimes I would like to have one of those in front of my door. I bet you could buy something similar at a golf shop. They always have those in front of the clubhouse at a golf course.

  16. Clever eyes dear Ciel, this doorway is beautiful!

  17. il y a de la boue dans la rue

  18. Many or the houses in the colonial district here have shoe scrapers. Beautiful place.

    Darryl and Ruth :)


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