Monday 20 August 2012

Avenue de Saint-Cloud, une jolie touffe de fleurs !

Pretty flower bed on Avenue de Saint-Cloud! My internet connection is down since yesterday, I hope to have it fixed soon and will be visiting your blogs as soon as possible. Sorry about that!

Ma connection internet est HS depuis hier, j'espère être reconnectée très vite et viendrai vous rendre visite le plus vite possible. Désolée !


  1. Beautiful flowers and a wonderful capture, as always, Ciel!! So sorry about the internet connection -- hope it's not taking the remainder of August off along with all the others!!! Have a great week!!

  2. You and the portal. What is going on with the portal? Your flower bed is in a much better state of maintance.

  3. Maybe your internet and the quiet of August are telling you to take a break, Ciel!

  4. Great photo! Enjoy the bit of break from the internet :)

  5. No worries, I know we'll see you soon. I love flower gardens like this.

  6. Oh, a beautiful capture of a flower bed! I hope your internet gets working soon, but in the meantime, great excuse for a break :)

  7. It is a beautiful garden.

  8. ca fait jardin sauvage, c'est vraiment sympa

  9. Au moins tu nous laisse avec une jolie photo pour attendre ton retour.
    Bon courage pour tout!

  10. I would be ashamed to post pictures of our scarce and badly watered flowers. It is too hot to go around taking pictures anyway...

  11. what a gorgeous shot. good luck with your internet.

  12. Beautiful flowers!
    Hey, thanks for your kind message! I hope your internet can be fixed soon!

  13. I sincerely hope your Internet connection reconnects as soon as possible because you will likely lose your Internet connection with all the rest of us who connect Internet collectively. Or something like that.

    Nice flowers, too.

  14. Wonderful perspective here Ciel. Keep cool about the connection, I know it's so frustrating.

  15. tu sais qui appeler ???

    merci pour ce bouquet

  16. How pretty. Hope you're connected again soon.

  17. ... miss you. I can wait though. I've been hilarious. Tell your friends. hahahahaha

  18. I'm more sorry for you! I hate being without internet.
    A lovely flower bed. :)

  19. I like the "cottage garden style".
    Hope you have found someone to help out with the internet connection.


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Merci de votre visite très appréciée et de laisser une pensée ! Désolée de devoir modérer vos commentaires, VDP en a un peu marre des spammeurs en ce moment !