Sunday 19 August 2012

Août à Versailles VII : terrasses vides

Even the restaurants are almost empty in August... Seen here in Passage Saint-Pierre.

Même les restaurants sont déserts à 13 heures..., ici dans le passage Saint-Pierre.


  1. I can't decide if you like the quiet of August or if it bores you. Turn on some Bach.

  2. Anonymous19/8/12 01:04

    :) Hier kann man über die Straßen gehen ohne zu gucken. Einen tollen Sonntag dir.

  3. I cannot believe an empty street in this quite classic looking restaurant gourmet street.

  4. I have to agree with Jack!! But, on the other hand, there has to be something very pleasant about the lack of crowds! I know it would be for me!! Hope your weekend is going well, Ciel, quiet or not!!!

  5. Wow, it's like a ghost town.

  6. oui ils sont à la plage , ensuite en septembre ils pire vers le vert

  7. Ici, c'est full up! les derniers aoutiens sont arrivés hier, y en a partout!

  8. At least it wouldn't be a problem if you forgot to book a table hey Ciel.
    I really feel for you with the heat, I know exactly what it's like.. before you know it it'll be me talking about the horrible hot weather here in Perth.

  9. Everyone musta come to Maine. We are LOADED!

  10. I need three days of rain!

  11. Quite a sad sight! :(

  12. Pour cause de chaleur ou de vacances??

  13. Quiet moments can be good!

  14. I wouldn't mind the quiet in some ways, as others suggested, a lovely restaurant to oneself is not a bad thing! :)


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