Sunday 10 June 2012

Tour rue du général Pershing

Here's a well hidden house with its tower on General Pershing street in Picardie neighbourhood.


  1. Do you know what goes on behind closed towers? Nifty shot of a well-hidden residence.

    But, I was talking with a French girl
    In a clean and tidy store
    I asked her quite directly
    What's a tower for?

    She said I just don't know
    I should have asked before
    You came in and bugged me
    'Bout what's a tower for.

    Whee! I think she was
    Peeved at me!

    I left the place at such a pace
    I fell down on the floor
    And now I just don't care
    What's a tower for!

  2. I thinks houses with these round rooms are so cool. An old neighbor of mine lives in one that was a power plant for an old estate. The round room held batteries that were charged from a mill.

  3. Like one of those castle and rescue the pricess scenes !

  4. Looks great with all the trees around it.

  5. This tower is well hidden by those lush green trees!

  6. Towers like this - particularly partially hidden towers - stimulate a lot of speculation, don't they? I think a round room would be cool, although very hard to decorate.

  7. Very secluded. Id rather live in a more open place. :)

  8. The tree looks exotic against the tower, quite unexpected.

  9. J'ai cru un instant que tu etais allée te perdre en Touraine ou en Anjou!
    C'est vrai, ça ouvre la porte à toutes sortes de speculations, une tour comme celle là..

  10. The house looks great but the tree in front is wonderful!

  11. Shrouded in mysteries?

  12. Beautiful. The tree is in perfect harmony with the tower, just letting us get a peek.

  13. I think that's a tower disguised as a tree haha! Makes you want to see more Ciel.

  14. Living in a tower in the shadows of that tree...

  15. A great offering here: bits of blue sky, clouds, greenery and a hidden tower! Great shot!
    God bless you!

  16. A great offering here: bits of blue sky, clouds, greenery and a hidden tower! Great shot!
    God bless you!

  17. I agree with Cezar, it's a wonderful composition with beautiful details!
    ...and sunshine! ;)

  18. Is Sleeping Beauty inside? Is the Prince trying to figure out how to get in?


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