Saturday 2 June 2012

Nuit des musées 2012 : la galerie des glaces kaléidoscope

So here we are back at the palace. This is (two thirds of) the famous hall of mirrors which was lit up like a kaleidoscope of planets during the European night of museums! More to come, I hope you aren't bored to death yet!

Nous voilà de retour au château. Voici (les deux tiers de) la fameuse galerie des glaces, illuminée telle un kaléidoscope d'astres pendant la nuit des musées. Il y a encore des photos à venir, j'espère que vous n'en avez pas trop marre !


  1. Davon kann man doch nie genug bekommen! Was für herrliche Impressionen in deinem so meisterlich schönen und individuellen Stil geprägten Bildern.

    ich habe mich riesig über deinen Besuch bei mir gefreut ♥

    ganz liebe Grüße und ein wunderschönes Wochenende für dich,

    Bisous - isabella

  2. Love the warmth of the light you captured -- gorgeous -- it's like a set from a movie, feels full of drama!

  3. I remember walking into this Hall of Mirrors and how stunning it was; truly breath-taking! The only problem was the place was jammed with tourists. Someday I'd like to go back (perhaps on a day like when you were there) and be able to spend more time to drink in all the beauty!

  4. It is breathtaking, Ciel. With the huge chandeliers, it is afire!

  5. Bored? Surely you jest. The level of detail are unbelievable. Just amazing!

  6. Who could be bored with this. Awesome shot.

  7. Not even slightly bored Ciel, this has got to be one of the most beautiful rooms anywhere,even in it's natural colours.. like this it's spectacular.

  8. p.s I hope Lily is purring in cat heaven Ciel, I was only privileged for three years before she passed away, it broke my heart, I still miss her.

  9. Non, non, on ne s'en lasse pas ! continue!

  10. Ah, the most celebrated piece of the palace! (right?)
    God bless you!

  11. bored? are you kidding? these are so beautiful.

  12. Great shot of a truly amazing place.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  13. What an experience! Seems almost overwhelming.

  14. This is stunning, Ciel!

    Btw, I don't know if you are familiared with Joana Vasconcelos' work (you'll love it... or hate it. LOL!), but she will be showing some of her works at the palace starting at June 19:

  15. This one I like very much, I would have enjoyed to see it!

  16. The lighting makes this really special!


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