Saturday 14 April 2012

Passage dans le quartier Moser

This passage linking rue de Béarn and rue de Bretagne on Moser council housing estate (is it a public housing project in the USA?) was painted by youngsters of the local community centre. More to come!

Ce passage qui relie les rues de Bretagne et de Béarn dans le quartier d'HLM Moser a été peint par des jeunes de la maison de quartier. Les détails sont à venir !


  1. Very, very cool. The interior and exterior colors work so well together.

    We do call it public housing here, but word project (sometimes just "the projects") is very much out of favor. The term got attached to the disastrous efforts to build slab apartment buildings in poor areas a few decades ago. The most notorious was Pruitt-Igoe here in St. Louis:

  2. I love that little red fish.

  3. Very unusual. And appropriate--yesterday we celebrated the 7th day of Passover when tradition says God parted the Red (or Reed) Sea.

  4. Comme ils l'ont fait eux-mêmes du coup ça reste propre. ça egaie l'environnement. On n'a pas peur d'y passer. Une initiative à renouveler!

  5. Many of the US 'projects' have been demolished, an expensive and unsuccessful venture.

    This, one the other hand, looks like a big success. Bright and colorful and clean. Love the mural!

  6. @ Bob: thanks for the link, that was a horrible place.

    @ Woody: same here. They are demolishing and building smaller, more human structures. In Versailles there's no need for that, they aren't huge or particularly ugly!

  7. You should know we don't help the poor in the US... although I think they did have housing projects like that in the 70s or something.

    Anyway, I like the murals. Nice bright colors, it looks very welcoming!

  8. This is so neat! I look forward to more photos on this.

  9. Looks like you might have to don flippers and swim through this tunnel Ciel, the blues work so well with the colour of the arch tiles. Hope you're having a fab weekend.

  10. It is so nice to see a bright, clean mural rather than some godawful graffiti! Kudos to the kids and whomever put them up to it. The artwork, from what I can see, looks very nice, too.

    Re your question on Cedar Key: Ken's is new. We haven't eaten there but may try it the next time we go over. Not sure what's on the menu other than sandwiches, French fries, etc.

  11. It seems a unusually clean and relatively nice place and I even like the murals...

  12. Perfect symmetry and cool passageway.

  13. Looks very inviting:)
    Have a beautiful weekend!

  14. Wonderful.. and it's lovely to see it's graffiti free...

  15. Colorful and inviting passage.

  16. What a beautiful passage way.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  17. As I said before, a clever idea.This passage is beautiful!

  18. belle endroit couleurs lever !


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