Friday 23 March 2012


If you're feeling a bit peckish after having been book shopping, you can stop just opposite the bookshop where you'll find a crêperie.

Si vous avez un petit creux après avoir feuilleté et acquis des livres, vous pouvez faire halte juste en face de la librairie où se trouve une crêperie !


  1. Hey, I'd stop there even if I wasn't feeling "peckish." But I thought only chickens felt peckish...oui? Non?

    Love the knife and fork and the cute little checkered tablecloths!

  2. Anonymous23/3/12 00:47

    I made crepes a couple of times back in the 1970s...interesting to make and delicious to eat! A crepe with strawberries and whipped cream would be excellent after a nice calm afternoon of reading!

  3. Sounds yummy and it looks inviting, I'll have one with strawberries, please :-)

  4. Love the red sign. Unfortunately, not a fan of crepes. But I'd sit there for nice cup of coffee. :)

  5. I love their sign. Very creative.

  6. On ne les livre pas encore à domicile comme les pizzas, mais ça viendra.

  7. I love crêpes and they are now part of the very short list of my kitchen skills. I was just thinking of making some today...

  8. Great way to spend a day, bookstore and crepes.

    Love the red fork and knife!

  9. wish i could meet you there for a light repast this afternoon.

  10. Je me méfie des crêperies en dehors de Bretagne. ;)
    Mais j'adore leur panneau. Il est super mignon !

  11. Apres l'effort, le reconfort! M'en mangerais bien une ou deux, là, tiens! (j'ai envie de bretagneeeeuuuuuu :()

  12. Interesting place! Love the fork and knife menu display. . . we have a restaurant here that have a knife and fork on the door as handles. Come and see our recent snow in Spring!

  13. C'est une idée magnifique!
    J'adore les crêpes!

  14. I would stop there! Don't know why, but I always feel peckish when see a nice place:)

  15. Now that's what I call perfect placement Ciel, I am always peckish after shopping, and walking, and reading, and ...well you can see where this is going can't you haha!

  16. So convenient for book shoppers!


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