Saturday 24 March 2012

Changement d'heure !

Don't forget to set your clocks tonight! This is the clock of Notre-Dame church.

L'horloge de Notre-Dame.


  1. We reset our clocks the first Sunday. We are now in recovery mode...gets harder every year to adjust.

  2. Gorgeous clock! We changed our clocks a few weeks ago, I hate the time changes.

  3. Anonymous24/3/12 01:44

    no envy for you...had to reset ours (USA) a couple of weeks ago! Are there clock masters to reset the town/city clocks?

  4. I visited Longwood Gardens today and they have a 'Chime Tower' that contains bells that chime every hour. At 1PM, it chimed 12 times and I was wondering how they adjust it for DST. It's worth the hour of lost sleep!

  5. Beautiful. That smoky gray shade of blue goes very well with the gold of the clock's hands.

  6. Nice light. You caught it at the perfect time of day.

  7. What a perfectly elegant clock Ciel, mind you I would expect nothing less in Versailles! Perth must be the only place in the world that doesn't participate in daylight saving. Everywhere else in Oz but not Perth!

  8. The golden hour. Beautiful.

  9. We already did that here two weeks ago I think.

    Beautiful clock!

  10. Oui, il est temps de mettre les pendules à l'heure! :o)

    ça va mieux?..

  11. Love this picture, hate daylight saving time and this day in particular.

  12. Fine clock. Times flies... you know.

  13. such a beautiful reminder.

  14. We are a couple of weeks into DST. Hate the dark mornings, love the longer evenings. Nothing is ever perfect, is it? Except maybe the lighting in this photo.

  15. @ VP: I agree. I would prefer to be nearer the sun time...

  16. What? What? Don't tell me! I have to set our clocks again! I'm gonna clock somebody!

    So, you're just going on daylight savings time now? I hate it and can't see any reason for it anymore, but gotta live with it.

    I changed back because it seemed easier for most people if the blogs stayed with Blogger. And, actually, it's less of a hassle for me.

    You said a "Florida Fotos" link didn't work. Which link? I think I've checked them all and can't find a broken one. Can you tell me where that link was?

    Thanks and have a wonderful weekend!

  17. Ca fait déjà qq semaines que nous avons changées de l'heure. Je préfère quand même les journées plus longues d’été. Ton horloge est très sympa. On ne voit pas souvent les horloges si « fancy » ici. ;)

  18. This clock is quite a piece!
    Thanks for reminding us to adjust.
    God bless you!

  19. I bet it's a big job to change that clock back!

  20. A beautiful clock to see.. and many thanks for the reminder xx

  21. Tonight we set our clocks... The wide railway timetable doesn't change of course!

  22. I hate this time changing, but love your photo!
    have a great weekend:)

  23. Anonymous25/3/12 00:00

    Uhren machen mir immer etwas Angst ;)

    Ist etwas blöde, weil unser Sohn dann eine Stunde "eher" ins Bett muss und nicht will, dauert dann fast eine Woche, bis er sich gewöhnt hat.
    Einen guten Sonntag dir.

  24. Yes! Gimme more daylight! :-) Gorgeous clock.

  25. That is soooooooooo pretty!
    No, I did not forget....
    I started really early at work!:)


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