Thursday 9 February 2012

Préparatifs du rallye nocturne

Last minute check of a Citroën Dyane, whose neighbour was a Porsche Carrera.

Vérifications de dernière minute sur une Citroën Dyane, qui a pour voisine une Porsche Carrera.


  1. deux voitures mythiques qui se côtoient, mais pas le même budget. La dyane cela ne nous rajeunit pas ;)

  2. Anonymous9/2/12 00:34

    Did I understand correctly that this rallye is just held at night! Interesting!

  3. I'll take the Porsche. They used to race Carreras in the mountains near Jerome, Arizona years ago.

  4. Very cute little car, does it really have a chance of beating the Porsche in this night race Ciel, or is it a bit more 'zoomier'than it looks?

  5. Cute little car! I am partial to Carrera's but this Citroen is cute, cute.

  6. The tortoise and the hare. Did slow and steady win the race?

  7. Citrons are such cool cars! I ended up with a flat tire today. I hate those unexpected expenses.

  8. He probably needed that flying jacket in the Citroen, did that model have a heater? It all looks good fun, what car were you in?

  9. @ Dave: no clue, I think so. I didn't take part :-).

    @ Bob: I don't know who won and it wasn't a race as such, see below.

    @ Theanne: yes, at night. It was a rallye in one of the French definitions of the word, i.e. a race with questions and clues. I don't know what you call it in English.

  10. Bob Crowe said it all.. who won?

  11. mais quand elle sera grande elle sera une Porsche

  12. oh la la... une Porsche!Je mets en cette bagnole toutes mes espérances!

  13. I like the Citroën because it's so unusual.

  14. Spectacular cars... I must remember to ask for these when my birthday rolls around.

  15. I would bet on the Porsche, also, not just based on the car, but also based on the driver, as a person who buys a Porsche is more likely to drive faster.

  16. That is absolutely unfair: the Porsche is a car! My admiration for French ingenuity has very few exceptions and the Dyane is one of them!

  17. I always liked the Dyane. Didn't some models have the moving headlights?

  18. It's cliche but I always get a little gooey inside when a guy knows his way around a car engine :D

  19. Et sur la Dyane, il y a un autocollant "my other car is a porsche"? :o)
    Dejà montée dans une D., pas encore dans une porsche...

  20. The Dyane brings back such good memories! :-)

  21. @ Halcyon: I don't know, I don't think so.

    @ Malyss : tu me fais trop rire ! :-)


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