Monday 27 February 2012

Les immeubles à Grand Siècle

I have shown you the huge condo complex 'Grand siècle' before and told you about its size and history here. The buildings have names such as Newton, Copernicus, Galilei, Kepler, Leibniz, Hugo, Lumière... Above, as you can see, is Michelangelo.

Je vous ai déjà montré l'immense complexe "Grand Siècle" par le passé et vous contais son histoire ici. Les bâtiments ont pour noms Newton, Copernic, Galilée, Kepler, Leibniz, Hugo, Lumière... En haut, c'est Michel-Ange...


  1. avoir sur sa carte de visite "allee michel ange" ca doit etre classe, mloi j'ai un Rostand, mais pas de bol le moins connu de la famille, alors evidement le batiment est devalué ;)

  2. Wonderful names for the buildings!

  3. I don't know that the buildings themselves are attractive, but your photos have made them so . . .

  4. To continue on with what Jack said, your photos make everything look beautiful!

    The man or woman looks as though they are walking on marble floors outside? Beautiful.

  5. Ces grands complexes font toujours un peu peur lorsqu'on les voit en construction. Ceux-ci paraissent a taille humaine si je puis dire. Pourvu qu'ils ne se degradent pas.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Un petit rappel des jardins de Versailles en pot! :-)

  8. The names are from many different centuries. Can prospective buyers nominate an historical figure? I'm thinking of, perhaps, Schrödinger (no one could ever tell if the doors were locked or unlocked) or the beloved cultural figure, Jerry Lewis.

  9. Anonymous27/2/12 05:10

    I like that second photo!

  10. Looks like a nice place. I love the shiny floor.

  11. @ all: the floor is so shiny because it had rained. This was last Thursday.

  12. ces pots ont un petit air colonnes de buren

  13. Very interesting compositions!The floor in your first picture is so beautiful, very elegant!
    The second image has a sensation of different texture on the floor, I think it's perfect and the rain is a plus in this picture! :)

  14. interesting grounds and views. I like the condos are names for such interesting people.

  15. I would really like a Douglas Adams building... Nice faraway bench!

  16. the surface looks slippery when wet. is it?

  17. That's quite a complex...looks some of our condos along Florida's east coast. I think I'll buy a unit in Michelangelo!

    It's raining here today and looks much like your photo.

  18. Une dalle bien lisse...mais je suppose que le skate n'est pas le bienvenu.

  19. This area looks superb, and I love the names of the buildings:)
    Have a great week!

  20. The surface that person is walking across looks like it could be rather slick in the rain or snow. Hope your Monday is going well!

  21. I think if I was going to live in a big apartment building, I'd like it to be called Michelangelo!

  22. At least the design of these buildings seems to be classic. I hate it when they built things in the 70s and 80s that looked outmoded in only a few years. Almost everything in La Rochelle and la Vendee in general has been a victim to that type of architecture.

    Do you ever stop at Fontenay le Fleurie ? I'd love to see that area, if you ever have the chance to get over there.

  23. C'est pas glissant, le marbre mouillé, comme ça?..Le nom pète, mais sont-ce des residences de luxe ou pas?..


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